
What To Expect From A Macular Degeneration Specialist

By Patrick Fox

Many people experience a certain loss of eyesight as they get older. They are no longer able to see things as clearly and also might find it difficult to focus in on things that are at a distance. However, when your sight becomes laden with black dots, you might take this as a sign that something is more seriously wrong with your vision. It may be time for you to undergo treatment at the office of a macular degeneration specialist.

You might wonder what this doctor does and what role he or she will play in helping you keep your vision. This individual received medical training for the treatment of eyeballs and eye diseases. He or she especially will know how to perform various surgeries that will ease the loss of vision as you get older.

For many people, their specialists might recommend they undergo eye surgery. This manner of surgery involves numbing the eyeball with anesthetic drops. The doctor then injects a longer lasting anesthetic directly into the eyeball itself. You will not feel the injections because of the drops given to you earlier. You might feel anxious, however, which is why manner doctors give a sedative to patients first.

After your eye is numb, the surgeon will then use laser surgery to work on the retinas. The laser therapy could help reattach them. It also might get rid of scar tissue that is causing you to see black dots when you look at something.

The operation itself will probably last for less than an hour. Most patients are in the chair for around 30 to 45 minutes or less. Afterward, you will have to stay in the office to be observed for possible complications. These complications can range from signs of allergic reactions to bleeding and pain.

The recovery time lasts for another two to three weeks. During this time, your surgeon will have you put in eye drops every few hours. The drops serve to prevent infections in the eyes. They also relieve irritation and swelling from the surgery. When you go out in sunlight, you might have to wear a pair of sunglasses to protect your vision and the retinas.

Most people see an immediate improvement in their vision afterwards. They no longer see black spots, and they might find it easier to focus on things in the distance. Even so, not everyone who wants to go through the operation will be allowed to. Some people especially those with conditions like diabetes or heart disease might not recover as well from it. They could also suffer complications like a stroke or heart attack. You may be asked to go through an exam before you are allowed to undergo the surgery.

Aging does have to rob you of your ability to see normally. You may find out if you are a good candidate for macular degeneration surgery. This operation is performed by a specialist who helps people retain their ability to see. If you see black dots in front of your eyes, you may discover whether or not the procedure would help you avoid becoming totally blind.

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