
A Summary Of Preparation And Aftercare Tips For Microblading Montreal

By Brenda Sullivan

If your normal morning makeup routine involves filling and shaping your eyebrows, chances are that getting ready for your day is a time intensive process. In this case, you could save yourself from all the hassle by seeking microblading services. This is a cosmetic procedure that will leave you with appealing and natural looking brows that can last for over three years. If you are interested in microblading Montreal is an excellent place to begin your hunt for the finest specialists.

Sessions would involve using tattoo strokes or rather feathers of micropigments to improve the overall definition of the eyebrows. A trained and competent specialist will focus on filling in the gaps to give the brows a good shape and to also create the illusion of having more volume. You need to find an outstanding specialist if you want to benefit from an impeccable service.

To prepare for a session, you would first need to see your beauty specialist for an initial consultation. During the meeting, you can talk about the eyebrow shape and fullness that you desire to achieve. You could also get some assistance choosing the micropigments that best suit your skin tone as well as your hair color.

It pays to understand that your skin would be used as the canvas during a procedure. You hence need to ascertain that your skin is free of irritations and is both strong and healthy. For this to be achieved, there are some basic skin preparation guidelines that you would need to follow for several weeks prior to your microblading appointment.

For about three weeks to your appointment, you should refrain from getting fillers or even Botox injections. You will also need to stay away from tanning and facial treatments for at least fourteen days. Another important thing to do is to avoid waxing, tinting or tweezing your brows from at least one week to your sessions. During this period, you will also want to stop taking fish oil as well as vitamin E supplements. Finally, do consume alcoholic drinks or blood thinning prescriptions for about three days to your appointment.

About 24 hours to the microblading appointment, you must not workout and you should also cut down your caffeine consumption. Doing this would boost your chances of ensuring that the best possible outcome is achieved without suffering from any risks of complications. It goes without saying that you must not seek a service if you are pregnant or nursing.

The aftercare procedures will assist in preserving the outcome of a treatment and preventing premature fading. You should keep your brows dry for about one week and this means that you should only sponge bath the treated area. You also need to skip your workouts for this period to prevent sweating.

After the treated part has healed, always wear sunscreen before stepping out into the sun. You should also avoid over-exposure to the UV rays of the sun. This will assist in preventing micropigment fading. You also need to visit your expert again after four to six weeks for you to get a final touch-up.

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