
Testosterone Replacement Therapy St Petersburg FL

By Karen Sullivan

Low levels of the hormone testosterone might not need any treatment. There are side effects that are related to testosterone replacement therapy, plus there are no known long term benefits. When one is considering the procedure, the best thing would be to talk to a doctor to know whether the procedure is ideal. When considering testosterone replacement therapy St Petersburg FL residents need to know what the treatment involves.

There are some instances in which symptoms of low levels of testosterone are easily seen, while in certain cases they are not. Over a period of time, levels of low testosterone in men decline as they age. In addition to that, some conditions will lead to decreased levels of the hormone, including depression, low muscle mass, irritability and erectile dysfunction. In case someone has low testosterone levels and tests indicate the levels are very low, replacement therapy might be needed. The treatment is however not required if there are no symptoms.

There are different options available for the treatment. The skin patch is one such option and is worn on arms or upper body. It is supposed to be applied once daily. The other option is the use of gels. Gels come in clear packets and have the hormone. When gels are applied, the hormone gets absorbed into the body. A mouth patch is an option too and is taken as a tablet or other oral means. Implants and injections are ideal in some cases.

It is important to know what you can expect from the therapy. The outcomes are not very easy to predict because people are different. For many people, there will be improvement of energy levels, sex drive and quality of erection. It is also possible that there will be improvement of mass of muscles and bone density in some men.

There are some possible side effects of the treatment. They include among others rashes, irritation and itching at the places where the hormone is applied. There will also be risk of heart attack or stroke with the use of the hormone. There are some conditions like congestive heart failure, blood clots and sleep apnea that are made worse with the treatment.

Replacement therapy for testosterone will increase chances that the person might grow breasts. This is because there are instances when testosterone is converted into estrogen. Estrogen negatively affects effects of testosterone. For that effect to be countered, there is use of aromatase inhibitors. While the inhibitors could be effective, their use should be monitored because too much suppression of estrogen makes one to feel fatigued.

It is possible that the treatment could lead to infertility. The testicles will be made to atrophy and be unable to make adequate sperms and testosterone. This will have an impact on fertility. Those that are on the hormone for a long term could have their natural hormone production affected.

When one is not sure whether they need the therapy, it is best to consult a doctor. A doctor will explain the different risks and benefits. They will also test hormone levels twice or so before advising on the way forward.

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