
10 Tips for a Mindful Passover

The Passover season is upon us and this eight day Hebrew festival requires a lot of preparation as you cook for the elaborate Seder meal for your family and friends. While most holidays are centered on food, Passover gives a whole new meaning to holiday eating. Though it may seem impossible to make healthy food choices during the holiday week, mindfulness is key to not letting the festivities hinder your weight loss efforts.

What Do Weight Loss and Exercise Have to Do With Each Other?

If you have been reading about weight loss for any length of time, you probably realize that it is a matter of taking calories into your body and burning them. Since 3500 calories equals a pound of body weight, you need to either be at a deficit of that many calories in order to lose a pound or at a surplus of that many calories in order to gain it. Although it may seem like a simple matter of cutting down on the amount of food that you eat, weight loss and exercise actually go hand in hand quite nicely.

Your Weight Loss and Physical Fitness Program and the Stock Market

In the last few years, stocks have been on a down swing for awhile. During the turn of the century (late 90's), there was definitely a boom. Then, in the late 2000's, there was definitely a bust. Currently, the Dow Jones index (which is a major indicator on the condition of the stock market because it is composed of a variable mix of private companies) has been going up (after going down). For many years, I have tried to "predict" the market by investing in the companies that are considered a value by experts. There were too many variables that were out of my control.

Lose Weight After 40 - Who Can Succeed?

Who can succeed to lose weight after 40? Most healthy individuals after 40 have a greater chance of weight loss success than in their younger years. That may seem like a strange statement, because, most people know that your metabolism slows down as you age. Also hormones play a role in weight variances. So why would 40 year old's have a better chance of losing weight than they did 10 years previous? The answer lies with time. Most people in their 40's or later, are done with school, have an established job, and may have older children. Although the trend for starting a family is to begin later in life, but even then, family's are smaller and the time frame to raise children decreases.

Making Small Changes to Re-Energise Your Life

Staying fit can sometimes be a challenge, but so can getting the motivation to even start a productive fitness regimen. When you get home from a long day at work, the first thing you really want to do is sit down and put your feet up. But sometimes you have to push yourself through the end of day slump and get yourself re-energised, giving yourself the motivation you need to really make a difference.

What Exercise Regime Should You Be Considering?

There is now no serious dispute between medical professionals, as to the relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and an increased risk of cardio-vascular problems arising.

In fact, some authorities believe that the lack of exercise in a typical western lifestyle is a far bigger health risk overall than obesity alone.

Top 10 Superfoods Particularly for Weight Loss

Before I detail out - particularly for weight loss - top 10 superfoods (among many others), let me tell you something. I am in the health and fitness industry for more than 25 years now; such vast experience has made me realize the fact that weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance (overall good health) directly depends on the given four factors that are vital and keep diseases at bay.

The Best Body Building Foods

Keeping up with nutrition is an important part of successful body building and weight loss. Even if you have an excellent exercise regimen in place, you're not going to get the results that you're after unless you also eat the right foods and sports supplements where appropriate. Once you strike the right balance between exercise and diet, you'll begin to see some great results quicker than you would without.

Weight Loss & Sports and Energy Drinks - What Role Do They Have in Weight Loss?

Sports and Energy Drinks - Who Needs Them?

Sports drinks have become a staple of American athletics. Every major sports team including the NFL, Major League Baseball, and NASCAR, are sponsored by and use sports drinks. Given the large amount of calories and sugar in the drinks, the issue is who needs them and do they quench thirst and really rehydrate people?

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Fit

1. You don't know how to start.

Any person who has never been into a serious workout before would always think that running is the best exercise to start building a better and healthier body. This is somewhat a misconception, I should say. Running can be effective in losing weight or removing excess body fat. It improves your cardiovascular health, stamina and leg strength when done right.

Erect Penis Enemy: Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious condition that causes many problems; it is an enemy to good health in general, as well as to an erect penis in particular. As a matter of fact, studies show that between 35% and 75% of men with diabetes will suffer some form of erectile dysfunction related to their condition. While practicing good penis care can help, it's important that a man takes special pains to prevent or deal with diabetes in order to have a more satisfying quality of life.

Does Your Disorganization Make You Feel Like You Have ADHD?

It is not unusual for me to work with a client and have her say, "I must have ADHD!" She sees her inability to stay focused, organized, and in control as symptomatic of the condition known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. For those diagnosed with ADHD, compensating for impaired executive function (the organizing, prioritizing, and focusing part of the brain) is extremely challenging.

Advantages of the Physical Exercises

The experts as regards health encourage us to include the physical exercise like integral part of our daily program to remain in health. As well as a healthy and balanced food mode, the exercise is recommended for an optimal health.

Physical Exercise and Heart Rate

Since birth to the moment it stops your heart works inexhaustibly. In your life time your heart ticks more than two and a half billion times without a moment of rest. Assessing your heart rate, at which your heart beats, is a useful and easy way to evaluate how hard also your heart works at any given time. Your heart works harder and faster during exercising to cope with muscle demand for blood and oxygen. The faster it beats the more intensive the physical activity is. If you, during physical exercise, chart your heart rate you could have a very good way of monitoring the intensity level of your exercise.

Why Should Elderly People Resort To Physical Exercises?

When a person becomes old, his body becomes weak. As a result, it loses its immunity and becomes an easy prey to diseases and ailments. Although there are many medicines that can keep an old body safe by curing diseases, it is always a better option to go for the natural remedies. However, you need to keep in mind that elderly people have some limitations, and they cannot always afford to eat the "normally healthy" food items.

Physical Exercise and How It Benefits the Brain

There are so many benefits to exercising, and scientific research continues to reaffirm how important it is for our physical and mental health. Some of the latest research goes against what we have been lead to believe over the years, such as the notion that exercise you can be too old to start exercising, and more exercise is necessarily better. Both of these premises have been proven wrong. Although it is best to exercise consistently throughout your life, it's never too late to start, and more intensive exercise over a shorter period of time is better than longer exercise periods.

Physical Exercise, Finding The Place And Time To Do It

All of us, if not most, know that physical exercise is good for our health and body. Due to our busy lives, however, this knowledge is placed at a low priority. Lost though procrastination. You end up with no physical exercise routine at all. Time passes by and so fast. Then, looking at yourself, you find yourself in such a mess. Fat and flabby, weak, unfit, stressed, with health conditions. The human body is designed to be active, moving all the time. Using the muscles for strength. Otherwise, our health and body will suffer. The problem for many of us, is simply how to get started, then make physical exercise a daily routine..

Benefits of Performing Physical Exercise

Do you know you can lose two years of your life with your waistline exceeding your chest size every inch? If you are aware of it, then you must also agree that performing physical exercise on regular basis can give you a solid solution to this silent-killing phenomenon. To remain physically fit means to help your body maintain, repair, and improve itself to an amazing extent. Let's dig into other benefits of performing regular physical exercise.

Physical Exercise and Drug Recovery

The road to recovery from an addiction is one of the toughest, ongoing challenges that an individual can experience; physical, mental and emotional stresses are inherent with the recovery process and are often more frequent and difficult at the start of recovery. One of the most effective supplements to a sound recovery process is physical exercise, with benefits that include stress relief, physical strengthening of long-neglected muscles and being a very effective weapon against many of the emotional issues that manifest when getting sober.

How Important Is Physical Exercise And What Can You Do About It?

Ever since we were kids, the benefits of physical exercise were already introduced. Now that we are old enough to follow the right path that could mean good health and long life then it is expected that we work our means to do proper exercise daily. Its benefits are extended to all ages and races.

Enhance Your Private Life Along With Physical Exercise

Physical exercise will work for everybody old and young. While working with a routine workouts plan over the 7-day period, you will discover a huge difference in your feelings, and will also improve your power all the way up, while you really feel much better.

10 Steps to Spring Clean Your Creativity

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Benefits of a Couple Workout - Team Up To Slim Down

When it comes to working out, not many people enjoy doing it. Dieting and exercising is not one of their favorite to-do things on the lists. Whereas; there are those who would love to go the Gym and sweat out. To avoid boredom, engage in couple workout program. The couple workout program is a great way to engage couples who want to regain their fitness levels by working out together.

The Right Skin Care For You

It is very important to do what is necessary to prevent damage to your skin from sunlight, wind, other natural elements, and harsh beauty products. Whether you have dry, oily, aging, sagging, or normal skin, it's important to give each type its necessary unique and specialized skin care.
Live Healthily

If you want to have a healthy appearance, then you have to live that way. It is recommended that you get sufficient rest, partake in regular physical exercise, and eat nutritiously. Even though this is something that we should all do, many people are not consistent, and then wonder why they suffer from acne, pimples, or a lackluster appearance. What you put into your body is what will reflect on the outside. Therefore, proper nutrition is vital to repairing and maintaining cells. Additionally, your body should receive the right amount of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Drinking eight glasses of purified water is also another way for you to maintain a healthy appearance. Water hydrates and flushes out waste from your system for a refreshed look. Although done indirectly, this is another great skin care routine.

You should get at least 15 minutes of sunlight each day, but too much exposure could be dangerous. UV rays from the sun can cause damage, premature aging, wrinkles, and age spots. You must take the necessary precautions to ensure less exposure to the sun. Additionally, every day, use a good sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF.

Be careful when you choose your beauty products. You will always need an exfoliant, toner, facial cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer. Make sure to use products that are not harsh. Speak with your salesperson about which products are right for you.

Dry and Flaky
If your skin is naturally dry, you may be using the wrong beauty products or soaps that are too harsh to wash your face. Find gentle body washes, using warm water to clean and rejuvenate without stripping your skin's natural moisturizers. When you have finished bathing, apply moisturizing lotion to your body, but be sure to use one with fewer chemicals. Concentrate on the problem areas, especially your hands and face. Use your moisturizer periodically throughout the day to keep hydrated. You should use less exfoliant and toners than others.

Oily and Shiny
When you have to deal with excess oil on your face, it oftentimes develops into acne and pimples. It is important to keep the area thoroughly clean. In addition, make sure that you use oil-free moisturizers. You should use more facial cleansers and less moisturizer.

For proper skin care, you should know your skin type. Once you are armed with this information, it is time to find products that will help you most. Develop a daily regimen specific to your needs and you'll see the benefits soon!

When looking for quality skin care, Boston residents visit

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Childhood Obesity - The Physical Effects

We parents want what's best for our children. We're careful about immunizations, we take them to the dentist and eye doctor regularly. We don't plan for childhood obesity to be a problem, but it happens. This article is about why we need to tackle the problem.

High Blood Pressure: Obesity does not discriminate on age when obesity is involved. There are children who have to take medication to control their blood pressure and it's a growing trend. High blood pressure can cause kidney problems, heart disease and strokes. If it's not found early those problems will happen at a much younger age than most of us think.

High Cholesterol: After blood pressure, this is a given. In fact, under the right conditions children should start having their cholesterol checked as early as two. Children as young as ten are finding themselves taking medications for this problem.

Diabetes: Most of us recognize this as a physical problem associated with being overweight. While it doesn't cause type one diabetes it can certainly cause type two. Diabetes can cause eye, heart and kidney problems.

What should we do? We need to take a good look at our lifestyle. What we eat and what we physically do should be examined. If it's not a healthy diet, we may need to consult a nutritionist. They can help set up a healthier version of what your family likes.

How active is your family? What we adults do (or don't do) will reflect on our children. If we don't have some form of exercise they won't want to. Talk to your doctor and the pediatrician to find exercises that will work for you.

We don't have to watch our children develop these medical problems. A little action on our part will help them stay well.

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Destroy Belly Fat: 6 Solutions

FOR THOSE OF YOU who've read my articles you've probably suspected that I've been battling a weight problem. And I'm winning the battle with proper, precise information, the desire for all-around good health, and the dogged determination to actively to something about it. Weight is the outward problem and one aspect of that is BELLY FAT. If you looked at me from the belly up, or the belly down, you probably wouldn't think that I'm fat. However, all my fat appears to be concentrated around the belly. I've gone from 308 down to a refreshingly comfortable 278, a thirty-pound loss during the past five months. My belly is smaller, but it's still a problem, and I will continue to strive for a healthy physique.

My main weight-loss successes have come from the following six solutions:
1. Exercise - I've discovered that early morning exercise is the most effective. I like to go for a ten to twenty-minute walk at least every other morning. Three or four times a week, I also do a five-minute workout of my arms with a ten-pound resistance loop band. This is the best time to exercise. On an empty stomach after the night-time fast, you burn three times as many calories as you would after breaking the fast. According to Bill Phillips and Michael D'Orso, Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength, New York: Harper Collins, 1999: "Exercising before you eat causes the body to dip right into stored fat."

2. Water - I'm beginning to enjoy the exclusive drinking of water. Occasionally I drink fruit juice, but I've narrowed it down to those two liquids. The best thing to do is drink a large tumbler of water before each meal. For my weight, I now need to drink a total of 140 ounces of water per day, that's one-half my body weight in ounces.

3. Fiber - This helps clean the system and reduce sugar and fats that go right to the belly. Whole grain products, lentils, seeds, nuts, garbanzo beans, fruits, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage are great sources of fiber.

4. Fats - If you eat the right fats you lose fat. Does that sound right? But it's true. The right fats are the omega-3 and -6 fatty acids as found in nuts and seeds, avocadoes, and olives. And never eat hydrogenated fats as found in margarine or shortening.

5. Protein - Eat lean protein such as in skinless poultry and fish. Those help speed up your metabolism and that burns off the belly fat. Also, I sometimes eat a protein bar for lunch.

6. Enzymes - They break down the food so that it doesn't stay in your system and turn to belly fat. The best source: raw vegetables. But if you must, just blanche or steam them for a few minutes.
If you have the will-power to follow these solutions you'll lose belly fat too.

Please consider my newest creative non-fiction book: Dismounted Liberty, written under the pen name Chris Gregory. It's available in paperback through Amazon, or it's also available in kindle format and can be easily obtained and read on your iPhone; note: Dismounted Liberty, in that eBook edition will be FREE to download from February 11th to 14th and all I ask is that for you give it an honest review.

Learn more about this book by going to
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Physical Exercise Perfect For Women On The Go

Most people think that engaging in routines and rigorous physical exercises is an activity that is exclusive to the masculine specie. To the women, this appeared as nothing but a waste of time that can be rather spent on some other notable things such as tending to household chores, shopping or bonding with fellow girlfriends. What we do not know is that although the physical structure of a woman is a little fragile compared to that of a man, she still needs to work hard to achieve the desirable proportions of her body parts as well as keep them functioning healthily and rhythmically.
These given, all women must consider physical exercise a part of their daily routine. This way they can always be on top of their game and live much longer. With this they are given more opportunity to experience even greater moments with her family and friends. Being occupied with work and other chores shouldn't be an excuse anymore to skip exercising. It is a must that every woman finds time for this worthwhile activity. It doesn't have to take hours; a few minutes would be enough.

The good thing is that nowadays, all sorts of media are participating largely in making women realize the importance of exercising regularly. And it seems efforts are paying off right now. Currently, more and more women are able to realize that good health is almost impossible to be achieved without performing an exercise routine or two every day.

Also because of this significant campaign by the media, women have realized that the main benefit of exercising is that they are able to get the energy and the zest they need in order to face another hectic day ahead. A regular physical exercise might also lessen the chances of a woman landing in a hospital for professional medical care or painful procedures such as surgeries and physical therapies to treat illnesses and medical problems.

It has also been proven through studies that regular physical exercise prevents a woman from experiencing severe case of depression and excessive stress. This is because instead of thinking things, one's attention is diverted to pulling off the routine which is a good thing indeed. The intensity of the physical exercise also boosts the immune system. It also strengthens the heart. As women undertake more activities, they may find more endurance for them. Advantages given by physical exercise are overflowing which is why you should feel skeptical in trying out this method the soonest time.

The exercise doesn't have to be that complicated or strictly formulated. In fact the trick is to stick with just one routine. Follow it religiously but still in the arrangement and schedule that is convenient. You don't even have to visit regular gyms for this purpose. Even when you're at home or you can turn ordinary activities into a useful exercise. All you need is a little creativity. Try it!
Kimberly Lane loves to write about health and fitness. She has been actively involved in the fitness industry as a group instructor and gets lot's of help keeping in shape chasing after her six children, all girls. She is also a contributing writer to the Whole Body Market online fitness equipment store's blog.

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The Importance Of Physical Exercise

You hear a lot today about living the right lifestyle. We all tend to live our lives at 100 miles per hour these days, spending too much time at work, grabbing fast food meals as and when we can, rushing here and rushing there, being under financial pressure, generally living stressful lives, and often drinking too much alcohol or coffee or both, too.

There's only so long you can go on living your life in this way. It will eventually begin to catch up with you and will manifest itself in many different ways, none of which are good. Headaches, tiredness, irritability, aches and pains; all these and more are signs of stress. It's your body's way of telling you that you need to change your lifestyle.

There are some things that are almost impossible to change. Take your job for instance. If you're lucky enough to have a secure job bringing in a decent monthly pay check, even if the job is stressful, there's no way you want to jeopardize this by handing in your notice and going job hunting. This is not the time to do it. You might end up as being one of the many millions of unemployed.

However there is something that you can do; something which is not only good for your general health and well being, but something that will make you fit and healthy as well as helping to reduce those stress levels - exercise.

Good old simple physical exercise. It is a proven fact that regular physical exercise helps to reduce stress. It's all to do with the fact that regular exercise aids your metabolism in generating certain chemical enzymes that act on the brain centers that manifest stress.

But not only that, physical exercise is also great for helping you to lose weight, improving your metabolic rate, improving your levels of fitness, and making you look better too. And when you look better, it does wonders for your self esteem, and self confidence. It's an all round winner.

Physical exercise doesn't have to be onerous. It's not all about going down the gymnasium and pumping iron. There are plenty of exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home, or out in the open air, which is good for you anyway, and also has the benefit of being free.

The best sort of exercise is cardiovascular. Now don't start getting worried about lifting weights again. Cardiovascular means of the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise is cardio, just without any of those weights.

The great thing about cardiovascular exercise is that it increases your metabolic rate. This is fantastic for those of you looking to lose weight because the faster your metabolic rate, the more fat your body will burn. The amazing thing about having a high metabolic rate is that it carries on working. It doesn't just work while you are exercising; it actually carries in working after you have finished. In actual fact it carries on even whilst you are asleep. Losing weight while you sleep - how cool is that?
There are many forms of cardiovascular exercise that you can do. They include walking, jogging, cycling, skipping, and swimming. Swimming is particularly good, (a) because it exercises every muscle in your body, and (b) because it doesn't jar any of your joints like road running for example, (and this can be an important consideration for those of you with joint problems), and of course the water bears your weight, and this can be important from both a joint problem point of view, and also from an obesity point of view.

So whatever else you do with your lifestyle, take up regular physical exercise. Just 30 minutes each day can make a world of difference to the way you look and feel!

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Three Approaches to Incorporate Physical Exercise Into Your Life - Get Going Right Now

While many people know they will need to workout, the majority do not do so since it is not something these people enjoy. Various other folks see exercising as a problem as well as a thing that is not successful except if you are sweating, worn out, and about to drop. Nonetheless, there are three less complicated techniques to utilize physical exercise into your day-to-day life-style.

1. When you work outside the home in a high-rise building, take the stairs in lieu of the elevator. Do you recognize by merely applying this alone, you are burning added energy which eventually help you lose unwanted weight. You may end up being shocked by you taking the steps how many of your own co-workers follow you!

2. When you choose workout products, pick those that are usually entertaining or something you take pleasure in. For instance, if you love hiking, a terrific exercise like this may help get you in condition and give a method of tension relief for you.

3. Any time you go to the gourmet store or department store, intentionally choose a parking place which is further from the door since this will mean extra walking and extra walking burns energy. It eradicates combating over the nearest parking space because you will always come across a parking space that is further away from the building!

Many people have the mind-set that physical exercise ought to be blood, sweating, and tears, yet by adding it into your regular life, it will become as natural as making dinner or doing laundry. The primary factor to not forget is to get moving, if you are not able to walk or possess mobility troubles, get your arms moving, there are excellent routines that work out the upper body.

Exercise may help you feel less stressed. Following a program of physical exercise, physicians have measured a decrease in electrical activity of tensed muscle tissues. Exercising can help lengthen your lifetime and enhance the quality of your additional months and years. Adhering to a physical exercise system can be a problem for anybody, even with strong medical reasons to exercise, however adhering with the program can easily improve low energy, stress and anxiety and help you rest far better. Physical exercise also helps the body to utilize calories from fat more effectively, thereby assisting in weight loss and maintenance. Regular exercising provides us an advantage physically like absolutely nothing else can. Regular physical exercise can help you prevent - as well as manage - high blood pressure. Your own LDL cholesterol will reap some benefits, too.

Finally, improve your reasoning about what exercise ought to be and just get out and begin moving, a little added exercise in the course of the day will go a very long way!

Bob Smithson has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does he have a passion for writing but you can also check out his latest website about finding the perfect artificial flower arrangement [] and artificial flowers [].

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The Value of Regular Physical Exercise and Fitness

Is physical exercise a necessary part of our lives? Yes, it definitely is. Without regular physical exercise, our bodies degenerate faster and our lifespans are shorter as well. It is a well known fact that regular physical exercise not only strengthens our muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and internal organs, it also makes us more immune to various kinds of diseases. Apart from these benefits, it also makes us look leaner and younger and gives us a sense of well-being, happiness and confidence.

During the Stone Age, whenever our ancestors needed food they had to hunt for it and this hunting involved a lot of running and jumping (after wild game), climbing (to pluck fruits) and even swimming (to catch fish). But the physical exertion did not just end there. After they had gathered their food, they had to carry or drag them back to their caves. All these involved a lot of hard manual labour and we can rightly say that our Stone Age ancestors certainly "exercised" a lot.
With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, machines replaced more and more of manual labour until today, that is the Information Age, almost everything seems to be mechanized or automated. As a result, it is now necessary for us, whether we are male or female, young or old, to make regular physical exercise a part of our lifestyle.

The purpose of regular physical exercise is to make us become more physically fit so that we can live not only longer but better and more useful lives. The physical exercises that we participate in should include these essential components in order for us to be truly fit:
  • Strength training
  • Stamina and endurance training
  • Flexibility training
What is Strength training? In this modern day world, whenever we talk about strength training, barbells, dumbells and machines come into our minds. We can achieve much strength by training with these three equipment, but strength can also be achieved by using our own bodyweight as the resistance.

What is Stamina and endurance training? Again, whenever we talk about stamina and endurance training, running and jumping come into our minds. But stamina and endurance training can also mean training with barbells, dumbells, machines or our own bodyweight as the resistance in a circuit-style fashion.

What is Flexibility training? Any kind of stretching exercise is considered as flexibility training. The stretching exercises that martial artists and athletes perform as warm-up before or after their actual training are flexibility exercises. Flexibility training is the most neglected component of many exercise regimen and sport. This training is a must-have ingredient for any exercise programme or sport as it not only helps prevent injuries but also transforms one into a better athlete.
