
Physical Exercise, Finding The Place And Time To Do It

All of us, if not most, know that physical exercise is good for our health and body. Due to our busy lives, however, this knowledge is placed at a low priority. Lost though procrastination. You end up with no physical exercise routine at all. Time passes by and so fast. Then, looking at yourself, you find yourself in such a mess. Fat and flabby, weak, unfit, stressed, with health conditions. The human body is designed to be active, moving all the time. Using the muscles for strength. Otherwise, our health and body will suffer. The problem for many of us, is simply how to get started, then make physical exercise a daily routine..

Finding the Place
A good place to start the exercise routine is at home. It can be right in your room, living room, at the patio, at the backyard, front yard or anywhere else within the house compound. The point here is to save time so that you can start to exercise immediately. You can wear shorts, trousers, and even in your pajamas direct from bed. No problem, you are inside your house compound. Wear rubber shoes without laces.

Finding the Time:
An average of 30 minutes is enough to do the exercise, that is, for the main exercise. You can do the exercise anytime of the day as your schedule permits. It may be early in the morning after you wake up, or later in the day after your work. You do the exercise alone preferably.

Type of Exercises
A combination of calisthenics, then alternate walking and jogging, and the last strength training. Recall the calisthenics you have done before and research for some more to make at least a total of ten different types. It is better to do the exercise in open air, when possible. Do this exercise daily preferably, but at least 5 times per week.

At first, do the calisthenics to warm up. Preferably ten different types of calisthenics at ten repetitions each. Then alternately, walk and jog or run. Walking and jogging for two kilometers (1.24 miles) takes about 30 minutes. Aim for two kilometers of alternate walking and jogging. Finish the exercise with muscle strength training using your body weight such as push ups and pull ups for at least 20 repetitions each. The 30 minutes time is applied to the walking and jogging only, excluding the time used for the calisthenics and muscle training. This exercise routine does not require special equipment nor fancy sports outfit and rubber shoes.

Distance of One Round Trip for Walking and Jogging
If the place for the exercise is in your room or living room, measure in meters the distance from corner to corner, both ways. The same procedure apply, in your patio, front yard and back yard. Measure the distance from one end to the other end and back to starting point. To find the number of round trips to reach 2 kilometers, divide 2000 meters by total length of one round trip in meters (in room, patio, etc.). The answer is the number of round trips that you have to walk and jog to reach the total distance of 2 kilometers (1.24 miles). Alternate the walking and jogging at 5 to 10 round trips each, depending on the distance per round trip.

Initially you walk and run for the total number of round trips and take note of the time elapsed in minutes. Repeat the process 5 times and compute the average time in minutes. Then use the average time instead of counting each round trip.

Benefits of Physical Exercise

These are the good results of physical exercise: weight reduction, fights health conditions and illnesses, improves the mood, boosts energy, better sleep, better quality of life and improves sex life. And you will live longer.

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