
The Importance Of Physical Exercise

You hear a lot today about living the right lifestyle. We all tend to live our lives at 100 miles per hour these days, spending too much time at work, grabbing fast food meals as and when we can, rushing here and rushing there, being under financial pressure, generally living stressful lives, and often drinking too much alcohol or coffee or both, too.

There's only so long you can go on living your life in this way. It will eventually begin to catch up with you and will manifest itself in many different ways, none of which are good. Headaches, tiredness, irritability, aches and pains; all these and more are signs of stress. It's your body's way of telling you that you need to change your lifestyle.

There are some things that are almost impossible to change. Take your job for instance. If you're lucky enough to have a secure job bringing in a decent monthly pay check, even if the job is stressful, there's no way you want to jeopardize this by handing in your notice and going job hunting. This is not the time to do it. You might end up as being one of the many millions of unemployed.

However there is something that you can do; something which is not only good for your general health and well being, but something that will make you fit and healthy as well as helping to reduce those stress levels - exercise.

Good old simple physical exercise. It is a proven fact that regular physical exercise helps to reduce stress. It's all to do with the fact that regular exercise aids your metabolism in generating certain chemical enzymes that act on the brain centers that manifest stress.

But not only that, physical exercise is also great for helping you to lose weight, improving your metabolic rate, improving your levels of fitness, and making you look better too. And when you look better, it does wonders for your self esteem, and self confidence. It's an all round winner.

Physical exercise doesn't have to be onerous. It's not all about going down the gymnasium and pumping iron. There are plenty of exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home, or out in the open air, which is good for you anyway, and also has the benefit of being free.

The best sort of exercise is cardiovascular. Now don't start getting worried about lifting weights again. Cardiovascular means of the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise is cardio, just without any of those weights.

The great thing about cardiovascular exercise is that it increases your metabolic rate. This is fantastic for those of you looking to lose weight because the faster your metabolic rate, the more fat your body will burn. The amazing thing about having a high metabolic rate is that it carries on working. It doesn't just work while you are exercising; it actually carries in working after you have finished. In actual fact it carries on even whilst you are asleep. Losing weight while you sleep - how cool is that?
There are many forms of cardiovascular exercise that you can do. They include walking, jogging, cycling, skipping, and swimming. Swimming is particularly good, (a) because it exercises every muscle in your body, and (b) because it doesn't jar any of your joints like road running for example, (and this can be an important consideration for those of you with joint problems), and of course the water bears your weight, and this can be important from both a joint problem point of view, and also from an obesity point of view.

So whatever else you do with your lifestyle, take up regular physical exercise. Just 30 minutes each day can make a world of difference to the way you look and feel!

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