
Useful Details About Facelift Houston

By Melissa Morris

Facelift refers to a cosmetic procedure which is used to create younger appearance in individuals. The procedure reduces sagging of skin folds at the cheeks or jawline. It also does reduce changes in the shape of the face that are experienced as one ages. During the treatment, a surgeon will pull back flaps of skin on either side of the face. That is followed by surgically altering the tissue which are below the skin. The altering of tissues will give the face a more youthful look. In consideration of facelift Houston residents should be versed with what the entire procedure entails.

People go for facelift procedures for various reasons. As one ages, there is change in the shape and appearance of their face, which is because of normal changes in relation to age. That makes the skin to be less elastic and loose. With age also, the fat deposits in some areas will be less while it is more in some areas. People should not however use it for treating superficial wrinkles or irregular color of skin.

There are some possible complications with the procedure. Some of them are able to be managed with the use of appropriate care and medications. Others will need surgical correction. Long-term complications tend to be rare but can cause significant changes in appearance. Scarring is one of the possible risks. Incisions can at times result in raised scars which are red. Appearance of scars is improved using use of medications.

Hematoma is also a possible complication which could be experienced. It is the condition whereby blood collects beneath the skin. The blood which collects causes swelling and pressure. Hematoma is the most common complication. When one experiences it, it will come 24 hours following surgery and is supposed to be treated promptly using surgery. That is so that the person does not experience tissue or skin damage. Other forms of side effects are skin loss, injury to nerves and loss of hairs.

Just like other forms of surgery, there is the risk of bleeding and adverse reaction of the individual to amnesia. Also, there are medical and lifestyle conditions which increase he risk of complications. For example, should one have a condition which prevents clotting of blood, they will not be the most ideal candidate.

Smoking leads to a significant increase of poor healing of wounds. In addition to that, it could lead to skin loss after the procedure. The other category of people who might not be ideal candidates are those with weight fluctuations. If you have history of repeated weight loss or gain, the outcome of the surgery might not be satisfactory. Repeated weight loss or gain affect the shape of the face and condition of the skin.

Preparation for the treatment is critical. One of the first requirements is a medical history examination. You will need to be ready to answer questions about past and present surgeries, medical conditions and possible complications from previous surgeries. History of smoking and drug use will also be interrogated.

When the procedure is done, there will be follow-up appointments. The appointments are used to remove stitches and assess condition of the individual. There is also self-care, for which the surgeon gives instructions.

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