
The General Procedure For Eyelid Surgery Houston

By Jose Wood

One of the most important facial features is the eyes. These can communicate everything you need to know about a person even without asking them. They can tell whether you are happy, sad, tired, exhausted, stressed or whether you slept well. They are also the places that show whether a person is old or not. Hence, people tend to have the blepharoplasty operation to reduce the wrinkles that form around the eyes. If you also want to undertake the best eyelid surgery Houston can offer, you should find a good surgeon. Below is an outline of the procedure.

The primary focus of this procedure is to improve the appearance of the eyes of a person. The procedure can be performed either on the upper blepharoplasty, the lower one or both. The surgeon starts by putting the patients under. Anesthesia is thus applied through intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The doctor will, therefore, look for the best medication to do so.

The second step is the incision of the eyes. Incision lines are designed so that the scars that will result after the surgery will be concealed. Therefore, no one will notice that you have been operated on. This is because the scars will be hidden in your natural eyelid structures. Therefore, if you do not want anyone to know that you have undergone through this procedure, do not worry because your scars will be hidden.

The upper blepharoplasty can be corrected by creating an incision within the natural crease on your nictating membrane. This allows the surgical doctor to remove the fat deposits and repositioning of the fats. Also, the surgeon will be able to tighten the muscles thus eliminating the excess skin. This will make your eyes to look more lively and rejuvenated.

The doctor also corrects the lower lid through similar procedures. Hence, the professional creates cuts on the lower lash. Then, just like the upper blepharoplasty procedure, the doctor gets rid of excess fats and repositions them. Also, the doctor tightens the muscles and removes all excess skin. The patient can decide to undertake one of the procedures or both. However, the doctor must advise the patients before the procedure.

After the removal or repositioning of the excess fats as well as the removal of excess skin, the incisions are closed. The closing of these openings is done with either sutures or skin glue. In case your doctor decides to use stitches, they will be removed within seven days. To reduce discoloration on the scars, laser or chemical peel is applied.

When the operation is over, your eyes will have a general swelling look. Also, the bruising subsides will reveal a nictating membrane that is well-defined and smooth looking. The surrounding regions will also look tender. Therefore, the eyes will appear to be more alert and rejuvenated thus giving you a younger appearance.

Hence, if you want to undertake this procedure, you must look for a qualified and competent surgeon to perform it on you. It is thus paramount to do some research on the same. This is because if you do not find a good surgical doctor, you may endanger your eye.

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