
Ideas On Managing Anxiety Through Holistic Nutrition Orange County Experts Recommend

By Dorothy Wright

Medications are available for individuals who are suffering from anxiety. Unfortunately, they come with a variety of unpleasant side effects. Quitting them may also lead to what's referred to as rebound anxiety. Because of this, a lot of people who suffer from the said mental health issue prefer to manage the problem all naturally. Below are a few recommendations for beating anxiety by means of holistic nutrition Orange County experts are suggesting.

Add oily fish to your diet on a regular basis. The presence of omega 3 fatty acids is the reason why various fish types like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and tuna are regarded as oily. Nutrition authorities confirm that omega 3 fatty acids are capable of having your mood regulated effectively. Further, they help suppress inflammation that mental health experts link to the development and also aggravation of mental disorders like anxiety.

Drink ginger or turmeric tea. Because ginger and turmeric belong to the same family, any one of them can help in the management of anxiety. Sipping a cup of ginger or turmeric tea a few times a day assists in reducing inflammation that is known to trigger as well as exacerbate anxiety. Any of these herbal beverages can also help fend off chronic body aches and pains that many anxiety sufferers complain about.

Brew chamomile tea at night. Anyone who is battling anxiety may have a difficult time catching some shut eye. Failure to have a good night's sleep can certainly worsen any mental health related matter. Before hopping into bed, it's highly recommended for anyone who suffers insomnia brought about by anxiety to brew and drink a cup of chamomile tea. Some other herbal teas that are good for dealing with insomnia are lavender, jasmine, passion flower and lemon balm.

Snack on yogurt daily. According to mental health experts, most of the mood regulating chemicals of the brain are manufactured in the gut. It's exactly for this reason why someone who suffers from anxiety should keep his or her intestine in an excellent shape. An effective way to attain and maintain that is by regularly consuming yogurt that supplies the gut with beneficial bacteria.

Consume fermented foods, too. You can also obtain those friendly bacteria from foods that are fermented. Sauerkraut, kimchi and miso are some very popular examples of those. If you are not fond of the taste of these treats, fret not because you may simply supplement with probiotic pills or capsules.

Consume chicken and turkey. Mental health experts say that magnesium is very good at getting the mood regulated. It's for this reason exactly why chicken and turkey should be added to the diet of anyone who is suffering from anxiety as they are rich in the said mineral. Vegetarians have plenty of magnesium rich food options. Some wonderful examples of those are green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Avoid consuming triggering foods. Being an anxiety sufferer, you should pay close attention to your diet. Sugary foods should be avoided. The same is true for processed ones. It's a good idea for you to avoid anything that's caffeinated. Check that you moderately drink alcohol.

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