
Without Professional ADHD Adult Treatment Athens Patients Struggle To Cope

By Sharon Taylor

Before Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder was recognized as a medical condition, sufferers were ostracised and dismissed as disruptive people unable to function in normal society. They were seen as deliberately anti social, rude, lazy and egotistical people that should be ignored, chastised or restrained. At best they were seen as eccentric. Luckily, with proper ADHD adult treatment Athens patients can function well in society and they can learn how to cope with the symptoms that hamper their daily functioning mechanisms.

ADD can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Sufferers often find it difficult to learn new skills or to achieve cognitive objectives. In fact, most people associate the condition with learning problems. Some patients also display unruly behaviour, an inability to concentrate and a tendency to jump from one activity to the next without completing any of them. Patients also tend to be fidgety, prone to non stop talking and impatience.

Experts agree that it is very difficult to treat ADD. There is medication that can help relieve some of the symptoms but this medication often have negative side effects and some symptoms do not react to medication at all. It often takes quite some time to identify the specific medication that is most beneficial to the patient in question. Medication is therefore often viewed as just one component of a overall plan to manage the condition.

Exercise forms an important part of any treatment plan. Patients are encouraged to exercise for at least thirty minutes each day. Exercise raises the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These higher levels immediately helps to improve the mood of the patients. It helps them to concentrate for longer periods and it contributes to better quality sleep. Experts advise patients to exercise in nature if it is at all possible.

Many ADD patients struggle to fall asleep and when they do sleep, the quality of sleep is poor. This has a negative effect on the symptoms of this condition. Patients are advised to adopt a strict discipline regarding the times they go to bed at night and wake up in the morning.. Their rooms need to be dark and free of any kind of noise.

Diet also forms an important part of a holistic approach to treating patients with ADD. Patients are known for going without food for hours and then binging on whatever they can find. Many symptoms can be kept at bay by eating regular, smaller meals that contain protein and Omega fatty acids such as can be found in tuna, sardines and milk products. Many patients find that it helps to take a daily vitamin supplement containing zinc and magnesium.

Astonishingly positive results have been found in patients that regularly practice a relaxation technique such as meditation or yoga. Meditation helps patients to learn to concentrate for longer periods. Yoga teaches proper breathing techniques, it promotes inner quietness and it helps to restore a balance between the physical and the mental domains helping the patient to stay calm and in control.

There is certainly hope for those unfortunate people that suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Medication can help, but a holistic, healthy lifestyle can achieve even more. Loved ones of patients suffering from this condition should do everything they can to encourage the sufferer to adopt a lifestyle that will help him to manage his symptoms.

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