
A Kent WA Chiropractor Alleviates Personal Injury Pain Using Spinal Adjustments

By Nelson Clodfelter

Anyone suffering pain from an injury will have it affect his or her life in a negative way. The pain is sometimes due to the aging process. Or, it may be due to your own carelessness. However, many of the people who turn to Kent chiropractic for pain alleviation have been injured through the careless act of another person.

A drunken driver may have crashed into your car. A surgeon may have inadvertently made a careless mistake. Someone may have hurt your back by pushing you down during a fight. Rear end automobile collisions are noted for causing an injury to the neck known as whiplash.

At some future time, you may consider taking legal action against the person who caused your injury. You may want to use the medical record taken by your chiropractor to detail how the injury affected you. The care may have relieved your pain. However, recovery does not erase the pain and inconvenience you endured.

Making an appointment with a chiropractor is the first step towards pain alleviation. Together you will discuss all aspects of your injury. Explain when and why it started. You will undergo an examination. The primary focus of chiropractic care is the spine and central nervous system.

Damage to the back can affect any part of the body as all the nerve roots are located in the spinal cord. Your pain will be traced back to an injury to one or more of the vertebrae that encase the delicate spinal cord. For example, in a case of whiplash, the cervical vertebrae located in the neck, will be subluxated. This is the term used for a misalignment.

After your condition is thoroughly evaluated, your care can be planned. Usually, spinal adjustments are recommended to correct any misalignment of the vertebrae. The traditional method is done by delivering a series of thrusting motions while the body is in various positions. Spinal mobilization is another method. In some cases, both are used in combination during each appointment. The goal is to alleviate the pain you are feeling.

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