
When Opting For Opiate Addiction Treatment Dallas Patients Can Regain Control Of Their Lives

By Elizabeth Hall

Dependency upon prescription pain killers have hogged the headlines recently. Well known celebrities have died from abusing pain killers. Many thousands of other people feel as if they simply cannot cope with life unless they take potentially lethal doses of pain killers every day. In most cases sufferers convince themselves that they actually need the pain killers and do not realize that they are addicts. Luckily, with opiate addiction treatment Dallas patients can recover and lead full lives again.

There can be no doubt that dependency upon prescription pain killers has shown a marked increase. One reason is that dangerous, habit forming pain killers have become available more readily, even on the black market. Many doctors are willing to provide their patients with prescriptions for the drugs that they ask for. Too many people view pain killers as harmless and regard them as medicine, rather than as a dangerous substance that can be abused.

It is often very difficult to arrange for treatment for people addicted to substances. No rehabilitation program will have any effect until the sufferer admits that there is a problem that can only be solved with professional help. Detecting dependency upon prescription pain killers can be difficult but if the sufferer consult several doctors and buys his pain killers from different suppliers loved ones should become worried.

It has long been accepted that no rehabilitation is possible unless the patients admits that he has dependency problems and that he desires help to overcome those problems. That is why rehabilitation centres insist on first evaluating addicts before admitting them to a program. They need to be sure that the patient is motivated and that he will actually benefit from the program.

In most rehabilitation programs the first priority is to guide the patient through the withdrawal process. During this period the patient may suffer from extreme stress, sleeping disorders and depression. Many patients also experience acute pain. In many cases one of a number of drugs may be prescribed to help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms. Experts agree that very few patients are capable of withdrawal without professional help.

Getting the patient through the withdrawal process is just the beginning. He needs to learn to cope without the pain killers. To this end he is given psychological counselling, group therapy and professional advice on how to adapt bis life style to prevent pain and to manage pain without resorting to drugs. This process can take some time, sometimes up to six months.

Patients often do well during the rehabilitation program, only to resort to pain killers again shortly after completing the program. This is why it is so vital to have a caring support system in place for patients that just completed rehabilitation programs. They should be encouraged to join support groups and to remain acutely aware of circumstances that may tempt them to use habit forming pain killers again.

Being addicted to prescription pain killers can utterly ruin the life of the sufferer. Their health will almost surely deteriorate and their loved ones will suffer with them. Professional help can do much to assist these patients to change their life styles and to overcome the debilitating addictions that rules their lives.

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