
The Value Of An EMDR Therapist San Francisco

By Patrick Edwards

There are a variety of therapists that can help people in different ways. Some folk will take advantage by simply talking to a professional person. Other people will make use of a supportive community. There are also people who find that specialized types of therapists can do a lot for them. An example of this is an EMDR therapist San Francisco.

EMDR is a type of therapy which is more practical and which can help certain types of people who have usually been through a lot of trauma in their lives. It has proven to be successful over the years. The treatment takes some time, but when clients are disciplined and make the effort, they find that they reap the rewards.

Once you deal with the underlying feelings, you will find that you begin to feel a greater sense of freedom. You immediately feel lighter, and this is the major goal. EMDR is also shorter in duration than most other forms of treatments. In comparison to something like talk therapy, which can be unpredictable, but lasts up to a year or more, EMDR will last approximately 12 weeks.

During these 12 weeks, the sessions are planned according to the needs and requirements of the patient. Everyone is different so one has to look at a plan which is unique. The chances are that this will be more effective than going to a general therapist because it helps you deal with your fears and your memories.

EMDR is mainly composed of the eye movements which a client follows when the therapist takes the lead. These will be different according to how the client is coping. The movements may speed up and they will also slow down at times. It can depend on how the client is reacting. They may remember certain scenes within the past.

Once they begin to remember more about the reason before they started off with the addictive behaviour, they will improve and know how to eliminate the unhealthy substances in their lives. It will lead to more of a healthy lifestyle, improved relationships and a better feeling overall.

Many people enjoy the fact that this treatment is fast. It is not like talk therapy where one will deal with their emotions and feelings on an ongoing basis. It can be slow and often very drawn out. One can never be sure whether this is actually going to be successful. EMDR, on the other hand is split into phases and the treatment will last a couple of sessions.

It is uniquely designed and planned for the individual. It is also evaluated according to what you are going through. This is something that happens on an ongoing basis. One needs to feel that you are improving with every session. It is also important to find a therapist who has a good reputation because this obviously makes a big difference. There are many therapists who specialize in this type of treatment, but the most important aspect is to make sure that you connect with them. You obviously need to make sure that they have the necessary experience as well. Pushing the individual can cause more harm than good, so this is something to keep in mind.

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