
The Symptoms And Causes Of Septicemia

By Marie Walker

You have come across a person who visits the hospital to undergo tests. They are informed their blood has some infections. This condition affecting the patients is called septicemia, and it can be dangerous when not treated. If the bacteremia gets detected, you must receive the right treatment because if left to thrive, it allows the toxins to reach the organs.

If the right treatment is not coming first, this blood poisoning becomes life-threatening. People who fail to get the medical care at an early age has the condition degenerate to the next stage, which is called sepsis, and it is much complicated as it causes inflammation, leading to clots and blocking of oxygen from reaching the vital organs.

The best thing done is to visit the hospital early and have the diagnosis so that your organs will not be failing. The physician will screen and treat the bacteremia. However, every person has a duty of avoiding this condition from happening. You need to do some research and understand the cause of this disease and avoid them. The poisoning comes because of infections, and it can be complicated.

Research shows the various bacteria that cause this poisoning. However, the bad news is that there is no single bacteria that cause this problem. If you have urinary tract or pneumonia attack, you could be in danger. The abdominal and kidney problems are known to cause the poisoning. If you can avoid them, you are safe.

If a person is unlucky and they get this bacteremia, it attacks various body parts, and if not managed, they enter the bloodstream. There are toxins which will be transported to the body, and they give several indicators you are suffering. Some people have this problem but it degenerates into secondary infections. In such cases, you have more toxins in the body, and this resists the antibiotics used.

When infected by the bacteremia, a person will start showing various symptoms. The symptoms arise because of the high concentration of toxins, and this will affect the organs. The common symptoms include higher body temperature that can go to up to 100.4 degrees and unusual low body temperature of 98.6 degrees.

Another symptom which manifests when you get the poisoning is the rapid breathing, calculated at 20 more breaths per minutes. Still, a person will have the rapid pulses with the heart beating more than 90 times per minute. People will also complain of decreased urination, getting confused mentally, sweating a lot and having the chills. When you see your loved ones showing the above signs, take them to the hospitals.

The patient has to undergo a proper diagnosis to be safe. The symptoms above may overlap with signs of other diseases such as influenza. That is why every person having an ill health need to visit the hospital fast to undergo the screening and get the antibiotics that cut on the stress. The doctors might give the intravenous antibiotics after determining the cause of your infections. The short delay in treating this condition can accelerate organ failure.

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