
The Importance Of Consulting With A Dentist Howell Regularly

By George Davis

In order to take good care of your teeth, you need to do more than just flossing and brushing them daily. For complete care, it is essential to visit a dental clinic twice a year for professional cleaning and regular checkups. By consulting with a dentist Howell residents can prevent quite a number of dental health problems.

During your regular dental checkups, a dentist can detect the symptoms or signs of oral cancer. This is a serious health issue that manifests itself in a number of ways. Getting an early diagnosis of this condition is vital so that it will not progress and become life threatening. Doctors can treat this condition if they discover it early.

Regular consultations with a dentist can also help prevent tartar and plaque buildup. Plaque and tartar harbor harmful bacteria that can damage the enamel of the teeth and cause tooth decay. Note that once tartar builds up on your teeth, removing it through brushing can be impossible. During the checkups, the dental practitioner will perform a thorough cleaning of your teeth using special tools to remove tartar and plaque before it starts causing damage.

If plaque and tartar build up on teeth, they can also cause the gum tissue to erode. The gum tissue erodes if an infection takes place on the area where teeth connect to the gums, making the gums to draw back from the teeth. This kind of infection is called gingivitis. As it worsens, it causes the tissue that attaches the teeth to the gums to break down.

Gingivitis turns into a more severe infection known as gum disease or periodontitis. There are various symptoms of periodontitis including swelling, having sores in the mouth and bleeding. Gum disease leads to breaking down of gum tissue and falling out or loosening of the teeth. If your teeth are cleaned regularly, gingivitis will be identified and addressed before it becomes worse.

Regular dental visits can also help you keep bad habits in check. The bad habits, which can impact your oral health negatively include biting your nails, chewing ice, grinding the teeth, clenching the jaw, eating particularly hard or sticky sweets, smoking and brushing the teeth too hard. When you are undergoing checkups, your dentist can check for damages caused by such habits. By getting information about such destructive habits, you can avoid them in order to prevent further damage. The professional can also repair the existing damage.

Your dental practitioner may opt to use X rays to check for issues below the surface of your teeth. Dentists who use X rays are able to identify and diagnose health issues that may not be seen with bare eyes like damage to the jawbone, bone decay, swelling, impacted teeth, cysts and tumors. If identified early, these problems can be treated successfully.

Your dentist will also check your neck, the lymph nodes near the jaw line and your jaw for abnormalities like lumps and swelling among others. If an abnormality is present, it could be a symptom of a major health problem. The dental practitioner will alert you about it and refer you to the most appropriate medical specialist. It is important to choose a dentist you are comfortable with and is close to your workplace or home so that it will be easier to schedule appointments and arrive on time.

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