
Approaches To Non Surgical Spine Decompression Conroe Texas

By Melissa Nelson

Having back or leg aches can bar you from doing the little things that you enjoy most simply because you are in pain. Not being able to bend over to pick a pen is somehow frustrating hence the need to get help immediately. Choosing to go for Non Surgical Spine Decompression Conroe Texas which requires no surgery will allow you to get back to your feet in no time.

Much of the pain you are experiencing could be brought about by the pressure exerted on the spinal discs. This therapy therefore, works by reducing the pressure on these discs by stretching the spine gently, changing the position of the back and taking the pressure of the discs. This allows herniated or bulged discs to get back to position by the end of the process. This is done on a motorized traction table.

Spine decompression requires specific candidates to go through it and not all. It is discouraged for individuals who have metal plants on their backs, tumors or fractures, osteoporosis and pregnant women. If you fall into any category then you cannot proceed. It is suitable for people with pinched nerves, herniated or bulging discs, diseased spinal roots, sciatica, degenerative discs and facet syndromes.

What to expect from the specialist, the practitioner will start with the treatment process by diagnosing the condition. This allows them to evaluate your condition through a physical exam and will involve medical tests such as MRI or X rays so as to get physical results of what is wrong. It is only after these medical tests that the doctor can determine if you are a good candidate for the exercise.

The treatment goes on to you lying on a motorized table that is connected to a computer. Unlike other therapies, this requires you to be fully clothed hence no need to feel uncomfortable. The doctor will fit you with a support harnesses for the pelvis and the trunk. At this point, make sure that your body is stable and if you feel uncomfortable inform the doctor. If you do not speak up, you may not get the best results from the treatment.

The specialist will be operating the computer, gently moving the lower half of the table slowly. This motion elongates the spine which in turn reduces the pressure on the discs that were compressed. This whole process should only bring relief to you and not pain, people have been known to sleep while the process goes on because it is relaxing. However, if you feel any kind of pain, let the doctor know.

The doctor will be able to advice on further therapy treatment basing on the results found and the type of injury you have. Additional treatment could include use of ultrasound or gentle electrical stimulation, cold or heat therapy among others. The specialist will also advice on the period you will need before the next treatment.

Take your time while selecting a specialist. Consider those who have specialized in spinal decompression with enough training and a good number of working experience. You will be able to know if the doctor is legit with your first interaction, be inquisitive so as to know if you are getting proper treatment or not.

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