
Understanding Northwest Indiana Tummy Tuck Procedure

By Joseph Sanders

The tummy tuck is used in helping to tighten and reshape areas around the abdomen. The aim of the procedure is so that the person achieves a more aesthetically pleasing appearance that is slimmer. That way, the person will be able to improve the way clothes fit him or her and also improve their confidence. For residents of Northwest Indiana tummy tuck surgery is popular and one should be versed with what it involves.

For this procedure, the muscles around the abdomen will be tightened. Furthermore, any excess sagging skin will be eliminated so that protrusions are gotten rid of. In the process, the mid sections of the abdomen are left looking well toned and flat. The procedure is used for both women and men who have had their bodies undergo drastic changes because of weight loss or pregnancy.

The decision to opt for a tummy tuck is one that is personal. Patients choose it for various reasons. The best candidates to go for it are those that are near their ideal weight, do not smoke and have very realistic expectations of what to expect. When one is opting for the surgery, one of the most important things will be to choose the right surgeon. The plastic surgeons need to undergo special training and should have the required experience for the procedure to be a success. You will need to ask the surgeon the number of successful procedures they have had before.

There are different types of tummy tucks. This is important because the requirements of patients are never the same. The surgeon will recommend the procedure that will give the best results and cause least scarring. The first option is a mini tummy tuck that comes with less extensive surgery. It is ideal for people that have stretch marks or a small pooch below the belly button.

With the mini tuck procedure, there is making of one incision around the pubic mound. The surgeon will use the incision for tightening loose muscles and removal of excess skins. There is a scar that results which is a thin horizontal line. The length of the scar is a few inches. The mini tuck is shorter, has less recovery time and is also less invasive.

There is the full tummy tuck. It is ideal for people with a round pooch and lots of excess skin below or above their belly button. In this procedure, the incision used is horizontal or U-shaped and is made above the pubic mound. It is that incision which is used for removal of excess skin. In some cases, there might be need for a second incision which is made in the areas around the navel.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis in many cases. In such instances, a patient can go home when treatment is done. If an extensive tummy tuck is to be used, the patient will need to spend a night at the hospital. This is so that the surgeon can monitor them closely before discharge.

Depending on the physical demands of a job, one could be be able to resume work in 2 to 4 weeks. In the case of jobs that are very physically demanding, more time will be needed to recover. The surgeon will advise on when one can resume work.

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