
Dietary Suggestions By The Experts For Successful Sleep Apnea Relief

By Anna Stevens

Sleep apnea is a really common and very serious form of sleeping disorder. Experts say that approximately 22 million individuals in the United States do suffer from it. A highly popular and effective approach to managing it to keep at bay its various health complications is the utilization of oral devices like what's known as the continuous positive air pressure or CPAP device. Also, experts highly suggest some easy dietary tips for sleep apnea relief to attain a more natural method of managing the issue. Below are some of the most helpful ones.

Add oily fish to the diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are present abundantly in sardines, salmon, trout, mackerel, halibut and tuna. Medical authorities say that omega 3 fatty acids have anti inflammatory properties, and that is why they can help in keeping the airways from being obstructed. These healthy fats are also present in nuts, seeds and eggs.

Have a cup of ginger tea. Experts confirm that ginger tea is beneficial for individuals who are suffering from the sleeping disorder because it helps prevent airway obstruction due to its anti inflammatory properties. In addition, a cup of this herbal beverage consumed before bedtime is known to help in considerably reducing snoring.

Include fiber to the diet regularly. The elimination of unwanted pounds is highly recommended for anyone who suffers from the said sleeping disorder. To make it so much easier to attain a more ideal weight, the inclusion of fiber rich foods to the everyday diet is suggested. A diet that's high in fiber may also help in warding off a common and very serious complication of the sleep related disorder, and that's heart disease.

Snack on some cherries. According to nutritionists, cherries are excellent sources of melatonin, a hormone that can help make it easier for a person to fall asleep. Doctors recommend the intake of tart cherry juice before hopping into bed in order to encourage a restorative kind of sleep. By the way, other good sources of melatonin include asparagus, corn, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, grapes, olives, nuts and seeds.

Remember to have chicken and turkey. There's a kind of amino acid that can help the body produce even more melatonin, and it's known as tryptophan. According to experts, high amounts of it can be acquired from chicken and turkey. Also excellent sources of tryptophan are sea foods. Vegans may get their stash of it from whole grains, nuts and beans.

Have high calcium foods. Calcium is not only good for making the bones and teeth strong, but also for increasing the amount of melatonin produced by the body. Definitely, the inclusion of foods high in it in the diet can help in getting the sleeping disorder managed effectively. Low fat dairy, canned sardines and green leafy vegetables are all high in calcium.

Steer clear of high fat foods. It's definitely a must for anybody who is diagnosed with the sleeping disorder to stay away from anything rich in unhealthy fat. That's because they can encourage the gaining of weight, and being overweight is known to worsen the problem. Combining low fat meals with regular exercising can promote a more ideal weight effectively.

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