
Traveling Summer Tips For Savvy Assisted Living Putnam County FL Residents

By Anna Turner

If you are planning to take a trip this summer there are a few things to do before you pack up and hit the road with your assisted living Putnam County FL friends. It is important to be prepared for small emergencies, as well as have a good time traveling. Here are a few tips to help you get ready.

Visit your doctor before going on a long trip. If you plan to travel internationally, you need a physical examination and certain vaccinations. Be sure to let your doctor know your intentions, and request enough refills of medication to get through the trip. Also, ask your physician to print-out a current copy of medications being taken by you and your health condition.

Discuss with your home health caregiver your plans to travel. Let them know how they can assist you in getting organized and ready to leave. Decide on the certain items that will be traveling with you. Your caregiver can help with running errands such as taking clothing to the dry cleaners, picking up medications, helping with packing, and getting your travel accommodations arranged ahead of time.

Ask a caregiver to help you with your packing. If you are unable to move heavy suitcases or do a lot of reaching. Someone should help you do these chores to keep an accident from occurring. Ask your caregiver to also run quick errands such as taking and picking up clothes from dry cleaners. They can also pick up medications and help with packing.

Plan for ahead for emergencies. Hopefully, there will not be one, but just in case, notify family and friends about your traveling plans. Be sure to give them your schedule. Go over your health insurance policy to know what will be covered in case of an emergency. Certain insurances will not cover out of the country hospital stays. Be sure to pack insurance cards and all identification needed for a hospital or doctor visit.

Plan for unexpected emergencies. Know who you will call and where you need to go if you or a friend should fall ill. It is important that you carry along your health cards. Be sure to know exactly what it will cover before traveling out of the country. Some health insurances will not cover out of the country hospital stays or visits.

If any type of special services is needed to accommodate you, be sure to request it in advance. You can have a wheelchair waiting for you as well as a rental car, and other services to make your trip comfortable. Most hotels and car rentals prefer you call ahead to ensure you get what is needed.

If you plan on being gone more than a week, arrange for your caregiver to pick up your mail and check in on your home. Avoid giving the appearance that you are out of town to keep thieves away. A mailbox with mail spilling out is a sure indicator no one has been home for a while. If your caregiver cannot do it, consider asking a trustworthy neighbor for their assistance.

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