
Things Must Know Before Getting A Breast Augmentation

By Eric Fisher

When a woman wants to increase the size of her breasts, it requires going under the knife. The process is called an augmentation, and it will affect the shape, texture, and size of the mammary glands, which has a number of side effects. Silicon, saline, and alternative composition are the three primary types of implants that can be used.

There are plenty of varied reasons why women and transgender individuals get this procedure done. Most do it because they feel that it enhances their general appearance, and helps them build up their confidence. However, when getting a breast augmentation Merrillville IN, there is a set of benefits and consequences. Read on below to learn more about this procedure.

If you plan on going under the knife, this will require you to get the procedure done more than once. Like all man made materials, implants have an expiration date and will not last you your whole lifetime. In fact, repeat procedures need to be done in order to maintain it. So when unwilling to go under the knife multiple times in a lifetime, perhaps you should change your mind while still ahead.

If you are planning on getting the surgery soon, make sure you have already requested for a week off from work. That is because you will feel weak and unwell for the five to seven days while you recover. However, this depends from person to person, so when you feel well enough you may go back to work again. Any jobs requiring manual labor is strictly discouraged.

Majority of people who avail of this service want their breasts to look as natural as possible. While this can be done, it requires making use of smaller implants that are placed below the muscle. The bigger you go, the more unrealistic it will appear because silicon is still a man made product. It will feel and look different from natural ones.

As mentioned before, there are many different sizes you can choose to get. Most people already have a size in mind before consulting a plastic surgeon, but if you feel conflicted you can always request different pairs of sizers to help you visualize. These sizers are essentially beads that are inside a neoprene bag that you must place inside your bra.

When you are planning on having children after the procedure, take note that it will affect your ability to breastfeed. Making this big decision in your life will not only affect you physically and psychologically, this will damage your natural breasts as well. Minor ducts and areolas that have become damaged are less likely able to produce any milk for the baby.

After surgery, it is quite common for some individuals to lose all feeling in their nipples. This occurs with both augmentation and reduction, and will depend upon a large number of factors. While your nipples will still respond to any kind of simulation, you will not be able to feel it firsthand.

Before getting the procedure done, make sure to consult with a licensed plastic surgeon first. The surgeon will need to evaluate your physical and mental health beforehand to determine if you are eligible for surgery. People who have a history on diseases like breast cancer are advised not to proceed.

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