
Facts Relating To Obstructive Sleep Apnea Richardson TX Residents Should Understand

By John Young

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by intermittent interruptions in breathing. The affected individual has to wake up every so often to breathe. Persons with this problem tend to snore and are excessively tired and drowsy during the day due to lack of good quality of sleep. There are a number of facts on obstructive sleep apnea Richardson TX residents need to understand if they are struggling with this problem.

The underlying problem in this condition is excessive relaxation of throat muscles. These muscles comprise those of the soft palate, the tonsils and the uvula. The relaxed muscles narrow the space that is used by inhaled air. Total obstruction occurs intermittently for a period of ten to twenty seconds causing arousal from sleep. Snoring is the resulting of vibrating loose muscles as air is forced through.

A number of factors have been shown to predispose to this condition. Excessive weight is one of them. This risk factor is present in about 50% of those affected. It is believed to contribute to the problem due to increased fat deposition around the upper airway that subsequently leads to obstruction. Related to the same, is the possession of large neck (defined as a circumference of more than 16 inches in women and 17 inches in men). Others are chronic nasal congestion, smoking, hypertension and diabetes.

You need to be aware of the possible complications that may result from this condition. Cardiovascular problems may occur due to reduced oxygen concentration in blood. The result is a strain on the heart and an increase in blood pressure. Another common complication is daytime fatigue and reduced productivity. In children, it is a common cause of poor academic performance. Studies also show that there is an increased risk of surgical complications in people with this condition.

Changes in lifestyle are one way of dealing with the problem. For the mild cases, the recommended lifestyle changes include losing weight (for the obese and overweight), engaging in regular physical exercise and reducing alcohol intake. If you have chronic nasal congestion, using a nasal decongestant helps open up the upper airways. Ensure that you avoid sleeping on your back as much as possible.

If lifestyle changes fail to yield results, there are other treatment options that may be considered. Oral devices help to reduce the level of obstruction by maintaining an open upper airway. To get the device that is most suitable for your case, you will need to consult a dental specialist. In case, these too are ineffective, surgery is considered.

The type of operation that is performed is dependent on the cause. One of the commonly performed procedures is removal of loose tissues around the upper airway. A procedure known as Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, UPP, involves the removal of tonsils, the uvula and a part of the soft palate. This is considered a major operation that is done under general anesthesia. Jaw surgery is another alternative that helps increase the space behind the tongue.

The most important thing about sleep apnea is to seek treatment early. While the rate of complications is fairly low, there is a profound effect on the quality of life of the affected persons and their loved ones. Fortunately, lifestyle modifications are effective in many of the persons suffering from the condition.

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