
Find Atlanta Skin Allergy Relief

By Adam G. Trettin

During allergy season, a large number of folks self medicate. Unfortunately, they do not have all the information about their health to make a decision about medications. They also do not have the medical knowledge to choose medicines that are best for their situation. If you live in Atlanta skin allergies may drive you to seek over the counter, or OTC, medicines.

There are several varieties of over the counter medications and prescription drugs available for allergy relief. To ensure that you are getting the right medication to treat your symptoms, it is best to see your health care practitioner. Because there are so many medications that can be purchased over the counter it is difficult for the average person to choose.

It is important to know which capsules, nasal sprays, or gel tabs are safe to take. This is especially true for those who have other medical conditions that put them at risk for complications from OTC remedies. For the individual who is taking prescribed medication, there can be serious consequences if they also take OTC allergy meds.

A lot of folks do not bother to consult their doctor during allergy season since they can easily choose from an overabundance of products at their local drug store. The truth about these products is that they only treat the basic symptoms of allergy. They typically do not calm inflammation that produces the symptoms. Prescriptions drugs do more to relieve the symptoms and often without drowsiness.

Decongestant nose spray is available OTC and typically it is overused since it is less effective than prescription spray. The prescription offers quick relief to they are not likely to be used for extended periods. An allergy shot is quite effective and better than OTC remedies. Although allergy shots cost more, they have long lasting effects.

The therapy that is very common is a decongestant and antihistamines. These usually are available in nasal sprays and quickly relieve stuffy nose caused by inflammation. Many of the OTC sprays make folks drowsy when prescription nasal sprays do not. Eye drops that relieve itchy eyes also have an antihistamine in them.

While a blood test can be given for allergy diagnosis, the skin tests are much more effective. The skin test is safe and typically provides a more comprehensive view of the allergy summary. It is very important that folks have all the information needed to choose the right course of treatment. Always check with your doctor before starting any over the counter treatment.

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