
The Use Of A Lumbar Support Pillow Helps You Enjoy The Perks Of A Good Night's Sleep

By Daniel Wallace

You will surely have a hard time doing your various office tasks or getting immersed in the entertaining movie that you are watching if your back is feeling achy and sore. It can also leave you wide awake at night, thus preventing you from having much needed sleep. You should purchase and use a lumbar support pillow if the intake of painkillers and sleeping pills is not regarded as an option. Owning this product can help you get plenty of shut eye that comes with an assortment of perks. Otherwise, you may encounter the unfavorable effects of insomnia, some of which are briefly discussed below.

High blood pressure. Failure to obtain enough sleep per night can cause your blood pressure to increase, health experts say. Such can raise your risk of suffering from a heart attack and stroke one day. This is most especially true if you have unhealthy eating and lifestyle, and heart disease runs in the family.

Elevated blood glucose. Experts confirm that glucose in the bloodstream can become abnormally high if a person fails to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every single night. This is not a good thing because it's associated with the development of diabetes. Doctors say that diabetes is a chronic issue, which means that it has to be managed for life the moment that it comes into being.

Systemic type of inflammation. Failure to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every single night can cause inflammation to take place body wide. Definitely, it can lead to the worsening of pain being felt in the lower portion of the back. Eventually, other joints in the body may start hurting as well if systemic inflammation is not put under control.

Obesity or weight gain. Not a lot of people are aware that insomnia can actually cause weight gain. Such can be blamed on hormonal imbalance that sleep deprivation can cause. Sleeplessness can also leave a person feeling hungry as a bear the following day. Foods and drinks that appear so irresistible for sleep deprived individuals are those that are loaded with saturated fats, carbohydrates and refined sugar.

Chronic stress. There are so many different activities out there that are proven to help combat stress. One of the best is getting a good night's sleep. It's for the fact that a restorative kind of sleep allows your brain to get a much needed break. It also gives your body the chance to repair itself.

Poor memory. Your body is not the only one that sleep deprivation can affect, but also your mind. Suffering from insomnia can keep your brain from efficiently storing and recalling important pieces of information. Not getting enough sleep can make it harder for you to concentrate and learn new things as well.

Anxiety or depression. Mental health professionals confirm that millions across the planet are afflicted with anxiety and depression. These disorders of the mind can rob anyone of the opportunity to enjoy a trouble free day. If severe, paying a psychiatrist or therapist a visit is warranted in order to fend off various complications.

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