
Dealing With Stretch Marks With The Help Of Microdermabrasion Denver Dermatologists Are Providing

By Jennifer Gibson

While it's true that men can have them as well, stretch marks are more commonly seen in women. It's because the number one risk factor for it is being in the family way. However, those horrid looking lines can also come into being as a result of dropping or gaining lots of weight in a short amount of time. Prolonged use of medications with steroids can be blamed, too. Regardless of the case, it's possible to get rid of those unsightly streaks. One of the treatments for them is called microdermabrasion Denver dermatologists are providing.

Such dermatological treatment is characterized by the use of a hand held piece of equipment. The said instrument is designed to direct tiny bits of aluminum oxide crystals onto the skin. As a result, the topmost layer of your skin, which is basically made up of dead cells, is eliminated gently and effectively.

The visibility of those unsightly marks can be improved considerably by completing all of the recommended number of treatments. Red stripes can be eliminated entirely, say dermatologists. Silver or white colored ones, on the other hand, can only be reduced appearance wise. That's okay because beauty conscious females are willing to do anything and everything just to lessen the effect of their cosmetic problems on their self confidence as well as appearance.

One more reason why this procedure delivers impressive results is the fact that it's capable of promoting collagen and elastin synthesis. These are fibrous forms of protein that are tasked at causing the skin to become soft and at the same time supple. Experts say that stretch marks appear as an outcome of damage to collagen as well as elastin, something that commonly happens when the skin's elasticity is pushed to the limit.

Restoration of damaged skin areas is commenced when the synthesis of more elastin and collagen fibers is encouraged. Those who are being pestered by fine lines, wrinkles and sagging can also benefit a lot from optimizing the amount of the said types of protein in their skin. Quite certainly, it's possible for you to look a few years younger than your actual age even without undergoing expensive and risky plastic surgery.

More often than not, the treatment is paired with the administration of various topical products that are formulated to help repair damaged skin tissue. Such helps ensure that the active chemicals are absorbed efficiently. The combination of mechanical and chemical remedies allows for the attainment of dramatic results.

This form of dermatological treatment is a lot cheaper compared to some of your other options. One example of those is something that involves the use of laser light. A lot of women who are budget conscious can only imagine paying for the said costly procedure. The good news is you don't really have to break the bank just for you to attain the results that you are after.

These days, microdermabrasion can be carried out even without stepping foot inside a skin care clinic. Such can be done with the help of an instrument designed for personal use. However, it's still a good idea to deal with stretch marks with the help of a piece of equipment that is operated by a board certified dermatologist or someone who is directly supervised by one.

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