
Leading Family Chiropractic Chantilly VA Explains The Different Types Of Back Pain

By Kimberly Patterson

Even back pains can vary as day and night. It is true that such pain can be caused by bad posture, accidents or even medical concerns, though a chiropractor must first understand the root of a problem for him or her to be in a position to provide reliable treatment. The kind of back pain you are suffering from would determine the most ideal treatment methods to use. When searching for the finest family chiropractic Chantilly VA is an ideal place where your research could begin.

First, there is back pain caused by a slipped disc. This is characterized by a dull ache that radiates down the spine and sometimes spreads to either legs or arms. Patients may also suffer from reduced mobility and range of motion. Normally, a slipped disc concern is a result of the vertebrae sliding out of its natural position, putting pressure on the nerves along the spinal cord.

Sciatica is a condition caused when the sciatic nerve gets irritated. This typically happens because of a herniated disc and patients experience lower back pain as well as leg pains. Normally, sciatica is caused by other underlying issues which need to be corrected for the pain to go away. A competent chiropractor can in this case use spinal manipulations to reduce inflammation and trigger the natural ability of the body to treat itself.

Back pains can also occur because of a pinched nerve. When the tissue surrounding a nerve puts pressure on it, a patient could suffer from symptoms like numbness, pain and tingling. The aches may turn from bad to worse when sleeping or sitting still. Treatment plans normally involve engaging in exercises as recommended by a chiropractor and resting.

There are chiropractor-approved ways of combating back pain. First, you should engage in exercises. Your chiropractic specialist will inform you about the set of workouts you can do without causing additional back issues. In this case, it will be important to avoid heavy lifting and mainly focus on ascertaining that you do not remain inactive for prolonged periods.

Back problems can often occur if you happen to sit for a prolonged period at any given time. The causes for this emanate from a compressed spine, which eventually caused by tension and tightness. Working out regularly will help boost the strength of your muscles and flexibility of joints. With this, you will keep back issues and further injuries at bay.

You will also need to check on your diet and ascertain that what you eat can promote good spinal health. A proper diet should contain nutrients that strengthen your bones and still ensure that your weight remains in check. Any seasoned chiropractor will recommend diets that are rich in fruits, essential nutrients and vegetables.

Finally, it will be important for you to watch your posture. Standing or sitting for hours can cause devastating health issues. It is hence crucial for you to not only maintain proper posture at all times, but also engage in exercises that can combat the wrath of remaining in one position for hours on end. If you are already battling with back problems, a seasoned chiropractor will be able to help.

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