
The Significance Of Free HIV Testing NYC

By Sarah Baker

Everybody wants to have a healthy life free from many diseases that are there nowadays. Some are treatable while others are not treatable but some medicines are taken to reduce the rate of spreading in the body. Such diseases include acquired immune deficiency syndrome caused by the virus. It is very important to go for a checkup, and the following are the importance of going for a free HIV testing NYC.

One of the importance of this test is to be able to know your own status. Such an undertaking is crucial in enabling you to take the necessary steps if positive for proper management of the virus. If negative you continue to protect yourself by living a healthy lifestyle that will ensure good health, this may include abstinence if not married or being faithful to one partner if married.

The check-up also helps reduce the spread of the virus. This is because couples may decide to go for the checkup before they have any intimate relationship. This will help them decide if they still get married if one of them is found positive, they may also use protective measures such as condoms or use preps which are tablets taken before sleeping with an infected person.

In the process of the test, there are counselling sessions where people are advised on how to handle the results of the checkup. This will help the person not to be traumatized even if he or she tests positive. There are also some tips one is given on how to leave a healthier life including the foods that one is supposed to eat.

The check-up also assists in free access to medical care since once a person tests positive they get enrolled in the ministry of health register. After being enrolled, they are provided with free drugs on a monthly basis to boost their immune system and prevent more infections. They are also advised on healthy living not limited to the various food to eat and what to avoid.

People with HIV virus always have a high chance of getting other infections that may make them weak and may be unable to meet their duties at work and at home also. If everyone knows their statuses, it will be easy for the ruling government to provide the finances needed in the health sector of the country. The fewer cases of HIV, the lesser the burden to the government.

While undergoing the checkup a person is taught all about the disease, this may include its causes or how it is transmitted, prevention and how to manage it. The information given help both the infected and the negative people. The infected people will know how to manage the virus while the negative people will know about the things to avoid while they are together with infected people.

Knowing the HIV status is of vital importance to pregnant mothers. It helps in ensuring safety to both the baby and the health worker assisting during childbirth. This prevents the innocent baby from inheriting the disease from the mother since there are some drugs the mother takes before giving birth and also the baby is given some drugs after birth to prevent the virus infection.

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