
Rolf Therapy San Diego Clinics Offer Helps Reduce Stress And Its Many Complications

By Frank Fisher

Chronic stress is an epidemic these days, says the World Health Organization (WHO). Experts agree that it's something that can have profound effects not only on the health of the body but also mind. That's because poor management of stress can cause various complications such as hypertension, diabetes, body aches and also depression. It's a good thing that activities for relieving stress effectively come aplenty. One of those that you may give a try is what's known as rolf therapy San Diego clinics offer.

It's is regarded as a type of deep tissue massage and it's proven to impress. Rolfing helps reduce your stress by allowing your muscles to loosen up. Once that is achieved, utmost relaxation of the mind follows suit. In dealing with stress, it's important for both your body and mind to calm down.

Health authorities confirm that long term stress is something that can cause a wide variety of health concerns to come into being. For instance, it can cause the blood pressure to rise. High blood pressure that happens once in a while is perfectly fine. However, it is an entirely different matter if the blood pressure is elevated constantly as a result of long term stress. Heart specialists say that such can considerably increase a person's risk of developing heart disease sooner or later.

Having increased levels of sugar in the bloodstream is another effect of poorly managed stress. Everyone knows that type 2 diabetes is the result of constantly high blood sugar. If left uncontrolled, diabetes can cause health complications such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, peripheral nerve damage, kidney failure as well as leg amputations.

Being stressed all the time can also leave you experiencing body aches. Such is the result of chronic inflammation brought about by constantly elevated stress hormones within your body. Inflammation is something that can cause your muscles as well as joints to become swollen, stiff and of course painful. It's also possible for inflammation to damage your peripheral nerves, thus causing your legs, feet, arms and hands to feel achy.

It's not just the physical health that is placed on the line if a person is suffering from long term stress. Mental health experts say that many cases of depression are the result of having high levels of stress most of the time. Depression can certainly have all kinds of negative impact on one's everyday living, and that is why it usually warrants a trip to the office of a therapist or psychiatrist.

Anxiety is another mental health problem that you may encounter as a result of stress. You will surely have a hard time being a productive individual if your mind is constantly flooded with worries. Anxiety can also leave you experiencing an assortment of pesky physical symptoms, and some examples include stomach upset, dizziness, chest tightness, too much sweating and heart palpitations. If poorly managed, anxiety can lead to panic attacks that feel terrifying.

Chronic stress can be managed effectively via rolfing. Undergoing it regularly can help in warding off the many complications of stress. Rolfing is just one of the many available solutions to long term stress.

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