
How To Obtain Food Allergy Stomach Pain Relief Without Medications

By George Cooper

So many unwanted signs and symptoms can show up right after consuming anything that your digestive system doesn't like. Certainly, one of the most unpleasant of all is a tummy ache. The good news is there are so many all natural ways to deal with this particular issue. Below you will come across some really effective tips on how to attain food allergy stomach pain relief without taking prescription medications that are known to come with various unfavorable side effects and sometimes health risks, too.

Have ginger tea. Other than an achy belly, ginger tea is also admired for its superb ability to alleviate so many other digestive problems. A few examples of those are loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea. Ginger tea provides impressive results as it possesses anti inflammatory capabilities. What's more, it also has amazing antimicrobial properties.

Brew a cup of chamomile tea. You may also whip up a cup of chamomile tea each time your tummy feels painful. Experts in the gastrointestinal tract confirm that chamomile tea helps relax the digestive system's smooth muscles. If at night your achy gut is preventing you from catching some much needed shut eye, consider having a freshly brewed cup of it.

Drink peppermint tea instead. There is one more herbal beverage that you may count on, and that's peppermint tea. For a long time now, traditional healers highly suggest this for alleviating a stomachache and a few other digestive issues.

Snack on a piece of banana. There are moments in which an aching belly is the result of heartburn. This is a symptom can be blamed on gastric acids wreaking havoc to the lining of the esophagus. Banana can be regarded as an all natural antacid. In addition, it also alleviates pain stemming from esophageal irritation.

Munch on a red apple. Another fruit that has the ability to neutralize unwanted gastric acids is a red apple. Make sure that it is completely ripe for best results. Stay away from an apple that is green in color. According to experts in nutrition, green apple is actually acidic. It's for this reason why consuming it can cause exacerbation of a tummy ache due to heartburn.

Drink water with apple cider vinegar. A popular remedy for a stomachache is apple cider vinegar. However, it's something that should not be taken undiluted. A tablespoon of it should be stirred into a glass of water, which should be then consumed using a straw to protect the teeth from being eroded. By the way, the right apple cider vinegar for the job is something that's organic and unfiltered.

See to it that you consult a physician if you believe that your painful belly can be blamed on an allergic reaction to some types of foods and beverages. Getting a diagnosis is a must as it lets you know which solutions are appropriate for it. Obtain immediate medical attention if the stomachache you are experiencing is accompanied by the likes of wheezing, shortness of breath, skin itching, dizziness, and swelling of the lips, tongue or throat.

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