
How To Improve Team Performance With EXOS Training Dallas

By Larry Roberts

When you are a team leader, one of the worst things that you can experience is to have a team that is demotivated. Working with people who are coming in by force of getting a salary, can be difficult for both them and you. The light at the end of the tunnel is that there are plenty of tactics you can use to combat this, and EXOS Training Dallas is the right place to learn them.

When you don t know what is expected of you, it can be hard to set a standard and know what you are working toward. This is why it is important to have meetings every quarter to discuss how the staff member is doing. This will help them to realise where they are failing and where their strong points are. This way, they know what to work toward and will show improvement before the next meeting.

Incentives are as important. Apart from a salary, people want to work toward something else also. Whether this is money, holiday or time off, they will easily work harder so that they can reap the reward. This gives them a reason to wake up in the morning and do their best if they want to win something great.

It is also important to give recognition to those who are doing well. A method that works well is to have a board close to where the staff sits. On here, you can write down who did well and what they achieved. Something as small as seeing your name in big writing easily does the trick. You can also add to the agenda to congratulate those who have performed great for the week so that everyone else can hear it too.

Creating something from scratch is totally unnecessary. There is no point in making people create templates when you probably have one stashed away or a similar one which just needs a tweak or two. As management, it is key to create master docs of everything that your team will need. From here, they can fill in the gaps. This is much easier than expecting them to also create new forms.

At the same time, you need to ensure that no one is working more than they should. Everyone needs to be given roles and responsibilities. If one person is in charge of getting a certain piece of work done every day, there is no reason as to why everyone else should be doing it, unless there is a good reason behind it. Roles need to be distinguished to eliminate unfairness and overworked workers.

A common problem that people face is that there are too many meetings. These can be highly unproductive since half of the time, what is being discussed has already been put to rest. Keep meetings short so that workers have more time getting work done. If someone has no reason to listen to it, remove them from the meeting requests so they don t waste unnecessary time.

When it comes down to being productive, this doesn t mean that you need your staff to work themselves to the bone. What you need is to put in place measures that ensure their comfort and happiness first.

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