
Important Information On Red Ribbon Week

By Catherine McDonald

Essentially, the red ribbon period is usually the largest and long-standing campaign on prevention on drug use in the US. Although the start and the end dates of this period may vary slightly depending on the institutions, red ribbon week normally happens in the last week of the October where the preceding and final weekends during that period are precisely set for celebrations.

The period is normally intended for people and communities to portray that their hopes and dreams for the generations to come and being committed in educating them on the danger posed by drug use. On the other hand, even individuals commit themselves to the prevention as well as living lives which are drug free. The main objective is to create a nation that is drug free. Also, these period is used for commemorating the great sacrifices that have been made by individuals who have already passed while fighting against the use of illicit drugs.

Usually, parents in all the states feeling wretched with destructions cause by the use of alcohol and drugs participate in the weeklong activities. Over the years, these campaigns have grown larger and stronger with the effects becoming evident. Consequently, individuals can now acknowledge and witness their liberation from drug abuse.

There are various benefits of this campaigns centered on drug use. First, by having gestures of red ribbons and other symbols, a potential of touching every individual in some profound way is achieved hence they are kept from the use of drugs. In addition, individuals and the community become united in promoting cessation from drugs among the youth.

Through this campaigns the public also become sensitized on the various dangers of drugs as well as drug abuse. The various groups and the institutions engage in this tradition passing the messages on the dangerous effects of drugs. Additionally, students in school are also educated and prepared to take part in these activities that provide warning of drug use. Activities such as skits, clothing, carnivals, games, and videos are used to pass this message across.

The other gain relates to younger generations getting sensitized about the alternative activities to drug use. In most cases, students particularly at the elementary levels, become involved in carnivals, which promote values like trust, self-respect, self-control, abstinence and responsibility. As a result, cessation from using drugs is promoted by getting students involved in such alternative activities.

Drug enforcement administration usually outlines of various materials which can be used by people and communities during this campaigns. There are various ways people can participate in the red ribbon campaign. For example, communities are encouraged to remain together with their military leaders to issue proclamations in declaration during the sensitization period.

The other ways include inviting community leaders and officials to participate in the sensitization activities. The institutions may also display baskets that are full of the red ribbons at the reception areas for the visitors to pick as they pick a copy of fact sheet during the sensitization campaign. Communities may also organize special seminars on alcohol and drug abuse prevention.

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