
Impress Your Atlanta Dentist Happy By Keeping Your Oral Hygiene

By Michelle McDonald

There are many things that impress people like the changing trends in fashion. However, the greatest asset of all time is your smile. You smile at people, and they get attracted to you. You may be feeling a bit uncomfortable with the appearance of your teeth but good thing this is not permanent. When you visit an Atlanta Dentist Happy, your story can be quite different.

Change your toothbrush regularly. Make sure that you do a replacement of your brush after every three to four months or when it starts showing sign of wearing off. Note that frayed bristles cannot clean your gums adequately. That is why that you need to replace your brush often.

One of the most important minerals when it comes to having strong and healthy dental is calcium. You need to improve on the intake if you want to achieve your purpose. Some of the recommended foods and drink to derive this mineral from are cheese, soya beans, milk, and yogurt. If you do this, you can be sure that your teeth will always be strong and healthy.

Brushing your teeth is also another way that you can use to maintain the health of your teeth. It is recommended that you should do the brushing after every meal, but if you cannot keep this up, make sure that you do it at least twice in a day. Do not just use any toothpaste, make sure that they are ADA accepted and have fluoride.

Dental floss is a practice that is very effective in cleaning the teeth. It is not enough to brush your teeth. Research shows that brushing will only do the work halfway, and the rest is for you to floss and remove the remaining fluff on your teeth. Even when you have bought the best toothbrush, flossing is recommended as the brush cannot do all the work that is needed to clean your teeth.

One important bit that is often ignored when brushing is the tongue. Always remember that the tongue may be the reason that one has bad breath. If the tongue is well cleaned, there will be no chances for bacteria to stay on the tongue. These bacteria could later on cause tooth aches, and it is thus important that you get a tongue freshener.

You also need to be cautious about your diet. There are foods and drinks that when taken, leave the teeth with stains. You will notice after taking black tea or even wine; there is a color that is left showing. This is an indication that these drinks stain the teeth. It is for this reason that one should brush their teeth immediately after taking such drinks.

The best way however of making sure that you have white teeth and protecting your health is by seeing your dentist regularly. It is a recommendation that you visit a dentist at least after every six months. However, if you need help, your tooth doctor might recommend having frequent visits.

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