
How To Combat PMS

Hormonal changes that happen prior to your monthly period cause turbulent feelings and physical ailments that are often too difficult to deal with. Headaches, cramping, the feeling of being bloated are just a few PMS symptoms. Luckily, you can find some relieving strategies to keep those PMS problems at bay:

  • Have a regular exercise routine. Try to have some exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, several days per week. Exercise is a long proven relief for PMS symptoms. It can relieve stress by releasing certain helpful chemicals in your body, thus improving your mood. Plus, it is a sure way to keep your weight to the ideal numbers. Scientists have proven that the more overweight you are, the more likely you will suffer from PMS symptoms. The good news is you don’t need to go through painful and intense routines, as moderate exercise such as walking, riding a bike or swimming will do the trick.
  • Avoid food and habits that can trigger a nasty PMS attack. Prevention is still the best cure. You can prevent having to suffer PMS symptoms by avoiding too much salt and refined sugar from your diet. Too much salt and sugar are enough to trigger menstrual cramps, which are very painful. Stress can also aggravate existing symptoms as well as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. You may need to find healthier alternatives to relieving stress other than drinking hard liquor, coffee or smoking. You can try stress- relieving activities such as biofeedback, deep breathing meditation and yoga.
  • Stock up on vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. This is probably the most effective way in relieving PMS symptoms. The following foods need to find a special place in your diet. Nuts, leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamin E, which will help in reducing menstrual migraine and breast tenderness. Potassium rich foods such as apple, strawberries and asparagus are effective against painful cramps. Vitamin B rich foods such as whole grain breads, cereals, peas and liver can relieve you of the feelings of depression, irritability and fatigue. Magnesium is found in spinach, almonds, and artichoke and is used to combat headache and cramps. Fiber rich foods help in reducing symptoms by eliminating excess estrogen, the hormone that is the culprit behind this set of symptoms. Calcium and vitamin D on the other hand, will control your mood swings and pain. These minerals are abundant in milk and cheese. Having enough fiber will also keep you from unhealthy cravings by eliminating toxins in your diet.
  • Drink lots of water. This can help aid in achieving good body circulation that is vital in menstruating women. Keeping yourself hydrated will also reduce bloating.
  • Try herbal alternatives. This is a more natural way than resorting to other aggressive pharmacologic interventions available such as birthing and anti- depressant pills. Ginkgo biloba, when used as a supplement is proven to reduce the severity of some PMS symptoms such as bloating, breast tenderness, inflammation, feeling of stress and irritability. Another herb called Agnus cactus is also popular treatment for the symptoms as well as St. John’s Wort. However, great care should be taken before using any of these herbal supplements as they may contain certain drug to drug interaction that can be fatal for you. Consult first with your health care provider.
There are a number of healthy and natural alternatives you can do to help yourself tolerate the downside of your monthly period. Gone are the days of lying down to ease the pain. With this helpful information, you can try living a normal life, even with a heavy flow.
