
Forearm and Wrist Exercise—Training for Hand Strength

Forearm and wrist exercises are an often overlooked area for the average person looking to get in shape. However, well-defined forearm muscles add more pizazz to your overall appearance. Forearms the size of twigs just don't look right when paired with big guns (that's bodybuilder lingo for biceps), but forearm exercise can change that. Of course, adding muscularity to these parts of your body will give you the power to finally open that jar of mayonnaise-and isn't that what we all want?
Depending upon genetics and other exercises utilized, these training exercises may not really be a big deal to you because you probably have decent hand strength. Even so, it pays to vary your workout routine. Muscles need to be 'thrown for a loop' now and then to obtain maximum growth potential for forearm development. If your forearms are puny and Popeye's spinach hasn't been working, then these training exercises
 are for you.
Remember, when learning how to do these exercises you should still gently warm up the muscles to be worked and ease into these workout exercises to prevent injury. Some people look at the forearm and wrist muscles as not being as important for stretching and cooling down, but they are.
For a beginner, just one of these exercises per workout may be enough to promote muscle growth. As for repetitions (reps) and number of sets, a reasonable beginner's approach might be two sets of an exercise with 10 reps per set. Be sure to rest briefly between sets when doing these arm exercises with hand weights.
  1. WRIST CURLS These work the top side of the forearm, along with the wrist muscles. Use light-to-moderate weights and avoid overstretching to prevent injury.
    To perform this exercise:
    • In a sitting position, rest forearms on the tops of your thighs. (For greater stability, kneel in front of a bench and rest your forearms on it.)
    • Wrists should rest on the knees (or a flat bench). Dumbbells are held with palms facing downward.
    • Lift up the weight, moving only your wrists.
    • Lower your weights to the starting position.
  2. REVERSE WRIST CURLS These work the bottom side of the forearm, along with the wrist muscles. As the name implies, this is similar to doing wrist curls.
    To perform this exercise:
    • In a sitting position, rest forearms on the tops of your thighs. (For greater stability, kneel in front of a bench and rest your forearms on it.)
    • Wrists should rest on the knees (or a flat bench). Dumbbells are held with palms facing upward.
    • Lift up the weight, moving only your wrists.
    • Lower weights to the starting position.
  3. THE HAND GRIPPER No surprise here that this exercise develops grip strength. Need to crush something or twist open a jar? Then this is for you. Don't let the simplicity of this exercise fool you; it's going to be hard to accomplish more than a few reps of this hand grip exercise if you're a beginner. Hand exercises can sometimes be the most difficult.
    To perform this exercise:
    • Lightly clutch the hand gripper in one hand.
    • Squeeze until the hand gripper's handles touch or nearly touch, then release your grip.
  4. REVERSE GRIP DUMBBELL/BARBELL CURLS Typically used for building biceps, this exercise is also good for building forearm muscularity.
    To perform this exercise:
    • Standing, grasp your dumbbells or barbell in an overhand position.
    • Arms should hang down in front of your body with elbows firmly at your sides.
    • Lift up the weight, keeping your upper arms stationary.
    • Lower your weights to the starting position.
  5. HANGING WEIGHT ROLL-UP You will really feel 'the burn' with this exercise as it is a challenging exercise for forearm workouts. As a beginner, one set may be all you're able to do.
    To perform this exercise:
    • Tie one end of a rope (at least five feet long) around a light-to-moderate weight dumbbell or plate.
    • Tie the other end to the mid part of a sturdy stick (about two feet lengthwise) or your stripped-down dumbbell. Even a steel pipe can be used.
    • Holding the stick or pipe in both hands, use a back-and-forth wrist twisting motion to wind up the hanging rope.
    • Unwind the rope and repeat (if you're able).
Enjoy the exercises, eat a healthy diet, and soon you just may be the envy of Popeye.
