
Top Rated Dentist Gilbert In AZ Explains Why It Is Not Advisable To Breathe Through The Mouth

By Michelle Cook

From time to time, you may find it inevitable to breathe through your mouth. It could be that you are nursing a bad cold or even a serious sinus infection. What you must understand is that it is unhealthy to turn into a habitual mouth breather because this can have a nasty effect on your oral health. If you are finding it challenging to properly breathe through your nose, it is important for you to consult with a dentist Gilbert in AZ.

There are crucial facts you must get well acquainted with about breathing through the mouth. First, this practice causes dry mouth because the saliva in your mouth gets aired and dries out. In return, this concern can lead to tooth decay, swallowing difficulties, bad breath and also chewing problems. These concerns can then make you vulnerable to suffering from periodontal disease.

Kids with chronic nasal obstruction primarily breathe through their mouths. You should therefore not underestimate to get a concern addressed as soon as it is identified. In children, chronic mouth breathing causes facial deformations that are both expensive and challenging to fix. In this case, the face of the child forms into a long and somewhat narrow shape. The nose also becomes flattened and the teeth tend to grow with an overbite.

You should be on the lookout for warning signs that indicate that your little one is a habitual mouth breather. The first and most obvious sign is bad breath. You may also notice crowded teeth, chapped lips and throat infections that keep recurring. You must first talk to your pediatric doctor about this and the specialist could refer you to a dentist that can help in combating the effects of mouth breathing.

You should also understand that by breathing through the mouth, your blood will receive reduced levels of oxygen. The mouth does a mediocre job at supplying the blood with oxygen and it is not as effective as your nose. When the blood does not have adequate oxygen, a patient may experience symptoms like erratic sleep patterns, fuzzy thinking, sleep apnea, poor concentration and dizziness.

At this point, you are possibly wondering what you should do if you are a chronic mouth breather. Well, the first and most important step to take is to consult with your dentist. The expert can help to determine the reasons why it is more comfortable for you to breathe through the mouth. In case of common concerns like nasal obstructions, this can be corrected through surgery.

Among the top causes of nasal obstructions are polyps and deviated septums. Then again, patients experience congestion because of concerns like cancer, sinus infections, over-dependence on nasal sprays and allergies. Your dentist can provide invaluable help, irrespective of what is causing your problem.

It will also be crucial to seek dry mouth treatment. You in addition need to avoid beverages like coffee, soda and alcohol when increasing your intake of pure water. Dentists can also offer special rinses as well as chewing gum that can help in combating dry mouth. If a patient also suffers from sleep apnea and is unable to breathe normally when asleep, this concern must also get addressed.

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