
How Bariatric Surgery New Jersey Works For You

By Cynthia Clark

There exists a wide variety of reasons why people need to lose weight. For some it is simply a matter of appearance, but for a growing number of people worldwide, it is actually about their health. Losing weight is much easier said than done, and is a real struggle for many obese people. That is why bariatric surgery New Jersey is a good idea, to help with the struggle.

There are a lot of bariatric options when it comes to weight loss surgery. To figure out which one is right for you, you will have to go through a consultation with your doctor. The one they choose will be largely based upon your current health, how fast you need to lose, and how many pounds you want to shed. Based on that, they will choose the right method.

One really popular method is called the sleeve gastrectomy. In this operation, the surgeon will take a sleeve that is shaped somewhat like a banana and insert it into your stomach. This will then allow you to eat less while still feeling sated and full, so that you can lose weight. People with a BMI or Body Mass Index of 35 or higher are generally qualified.

If the sleeve is not quite right for you, then perhaps you and your doctor should instead consider gastric banding. In this one, a silicone band that is shaped to mimic your stomach is placed around it, while another device with a port is inserted along the outer wall of your stomach, just below the skin. This port can accept a needle to that your doctor can inject saline directly into your stomach to take up space and make you feel fuller with less food intake. The amount of saline can be adjusted as many times as needed.

The Roux-en-Y process helps to actually shrink your stomach to make it smaller. To do this, the surgeon must attach a section of the small intestine to a pouch that allows your food to bypass much of this intestine, which then means far less absorbed calories and fat. The stomach pouch also enables you to eat less because you will feel full faster.

When doing any of these, the surgeon may use older methods that require larger scars and longer recovery times. However, some robotic systems may be available that can use special instruments that bend. This means smaller incisions and less scars, as well as a shorter recovery time once the surgery is over. Once such example is the da Vinci system that makes things easier.

Any and all of these procedures could be the right one for you if you have a lot of weight to lose. However, if you have only 25 to 50 pounds or so to lose, then you could undergo a procedure called a gastric balloon. This is a nonsurgical procedure where a balloon is put into the stomach using only local anesthesia and a gastroscope. It can be inserted up to six months while you diet and exercise to achieve your target weight, then removed.

Sometimes, revisions need to be done on your surgery. There may be complications, or in some cases the materials inserted must be removed or adjusted in order to keep you healthy and moving in the right direction.

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