
Why You Should Be Getting The Microdermabrasion Treatments Atlanta GA Salons Are Offering

By Shirley Gibson

Like many consumers, you may have heard a lot of buzz about the latest range of non-invasive, anti-aging treatments that are designed to improve the texture, tone and overall appearance of the skin. The absolute best of these are designed to make the dermis much more proficient in healing itself. This is certainly the case with microdermabrasion therapy. Following is everything you need to know about the microdermabrasion treatments Atlanta GA locals are investing in.

Whenever the skin is harmed, the body makes a number of internal changes to facilitate its rapid repair. That's because this protective covering is actually meant to keep harmful bacteria and other microorganisms out. Research has shown that causing a small amount of controlled damage can actually have a very beneficial effect on a number of common skin conditions.

If you have not heard of dermabrasion therapies before, you should know that these are not unlike exfoliating the skin. During this process, abrasive materials are dragged across the surface of the skin to gently lift off skin cells that are damaged or dry. It is also a bit more aggressive than exfoliating, given that it can eliminate damaged skin cells at a significantly greater depth.

As the result of these efforts, the body's natural healing abilities are triggered. This increases the rate at which new skin cells are produced. This is in turn what creates the glowing, ruddy complexions that people often enjoy after these procedures.

When dead, dry and damaged skin is broken down, there numerous aesthetic issues that can be minimized or preventing. As an example, procedures like these are great for diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. They can additionally limit the appearance of over-sized pores while reversion many different types of sun damage.

Procedures are also used by those who suffer from acne scarring and acne. By tearing down and removing skin that is damaged, it is possible to minimize the appearances of these blemishes and their likelihood of returning. This is much better than use laser acne scar removal given that it is not an uncomfortable or invasive treatment. You should know, however, that patients with cystic acne are advised against getting microdermabrasion until all active skin infections have cleared.

This type of controlled skin damage can even promote a noticeable increase in natural collagen production. This process is known as collagenesis and it contributes to the firm and supple look that youthful people enjoy. As such, you can get tighter and younger-looking visage over time, as the result of several microdermabrasion treatments. These procedures are capable of producing impressive benefits over both the short and long-term.

During these procedures, your provider will gently abrade away the topmost layers of your skin by using a hand-held, blasting device that emits tiny particulates. These will be simultaneously suction up along with all removed skin cells, dirt and debris. A soothing moisturizer will then be applied, and you'll be free to go. Unlike invasive cosmetic procedures, microdermabrasion does not require any downtime and it can be safely performed several times per year.

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