
Various Methods For Dental Anesthesia

By Deborah Ross

Dental procedures are mostly completely painless today. Even so, most people feel some level of anxiety at least just thinking about this. That's why dentists usually combine different medication to make it all more comfortable for their patients. So, here are some info about different types of dental anesthesia you can expect in any dental clinic. Your dentist will provide any additional info on site.

Novocain is a local anesthetic that is commonly used during dental procedures. It is injected into the area where the procedure should be performed, with the purpose of numbing the entire area. It affect tooth nerve fibers, preventing them from sending impulses to the brain. This way you will not feel the pain during the procedure, and for a while after it is done. Novocain is really one effective painkiller.

Novocain is perfectly efficient in eliminating the pain used alone. Even so, the biggest issue is to deal with the anxiety most dental patients experience prior and during dental surgical procedures. That's why their doctors mostly combine Novocain with various relaxing methods, such as oral medication, nitrous oxide or intravenous sedation, to help their patients to feel more comfortable during their surgical procedures.

Different oral medication drugs are used for easing the anxiety. The most common ones are, for example, Valium, Ativan or Halcyon. These drugs have to be consumed by the patient maybe half an hour before the procedure. Considering the fact these drugs might cause dizziness and some other unpredictable side effects, it is important that the patient have an escort to the dental clinic and back home.

Which anti anxiety method will your dentist prescribe depends on your personal anxiety level. Orally taken drugs have moderate effect, and, combined with previously mentioned pain killer called Novocain, could be quite enough for majority of patients. They aren't expensive, they are easy to use and they provide sufficient level of relaxation, making it all more comfortable.

The so called laughing gas, or Nitrous oxide, is even simpler method of removing unpleasant feelings from dentist's office. The dosage is up to patient. It means that any patient should be allowed to take more or less of this gas, through the nasal mask, when in dentist's chair, with already administered pain killer. Here, there will be no hangover effect, or any other significant side effect, and there is no need for an escort.

Intravenous sedation is the most effective anti anxiety method and probably the best for those patients who have some serious anxiety problems when it comes to different surgical procedures of this type. It will put those patients in completely relaxed and comfortable state, easing their anxiety issues and fears related to their surgical procedure.

I.v.sedation, also known as the twilight sleep, makes patients unaware of anything happening to them, although they are still conscious at some level, meaning they don't sleep. This method is quite expensive, compared with others, and it cause disorientation, dizziness and other side effects. Such patients need to be safely escorted to their homes and have a good rest before returning to their normal duties.

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