
Important Information About Sedation Dentistry Maui

By Gary Patterson

As a matter of fact, the thought of having your tooth being removed or teeth cleaning makes many people to tense in fear. Some people would rather go through the agony from a toothache instead of visiting a dentist. Many people are often phobic about seeing a dentist and would not prefer any treatment from them. However, sedation dentistry Maui has made it easier for such people who would avoid a dentist at all cost.

By using sedatives, it has become possible to undergo any dental procedure and treatment from a more invasive procedure to a simple one such as tooth cleaning. The sedatives usually help you to relax while the dentist performs the procedure. These sedative are used depending on the severity of fear of the patient. The sedatives are simply medications which help you relax during the procedure.

In some cases, sedation dentistry is referred to as sleep dentistry but it is not usually accurate to refer to it like that. This is because patients remain awake except those under general anesthetic. The dentist and the patient should, agree on the suitable sedation level, although this depend on the severity of anxiety and fear of the patient, as well as the length of the procedure.

There are various levels of sedations that your dentist may use depending on the type of procedure and the level of your anxiety. The first level is minimal level where you remain awake and relaxed throughout the entire dental procedure. The second level is the moderate level where the patient may slur his words, and can hardly remember anything about the procedure. The third level is deep drugging where you remain at the edge of consciousness although you can be awakened. The fourth level is general anesthesia where the patients is completely unconscious.

Dentists in Wailuku HI, usually use different types of sedations in dental procedures. One type is the inhaled minimal drugging. In this case, laughing gas also called the nitrous oxide is usually combined with oxygen and is then placed on your nose through a mask. This gas helps you to relax. However, the dentist is able to control the level of the drugging since this gas wears off much quickly.

Second type of drugging is the oral sedation. In this cases, it can be minimal to moderate, which depends on the amount of dose given. For a minimal level, a single pill may be given, to cause a patient become drowsy although the patient remains awake. For the moderate level, a large dose would be given.

The third type is IV moderate drugging, where the sedative drug is administered through a vein. As a result, the drug works much faster. Also, the dentist is able to continue adjusting the level required.

Finally, a dentist may use general anesthetic. In this case, you are given the medication that causes you to become completely or almost unconscious or you become deeply asleep during the procedure. In this case, you cannot be easily awakened until the anesthetic fades off, although the situation may be reversed with medication. However, no matter the type of sedation used, local anesthesia is used on the site of the procedure to relief pain.

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