
Advantages Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery Houston

By Brenda Robinson

There are a few weight loss surgeries that can be covered by the government provided an individual really needs it to lead a healthy life. One of such surgeries is gastric sleeve surgery Houston, and it is listed as covered surgeries in Houston, TX.

This type of procedure is only recommended if other weight loss options have been exhausted already. Its always a good thing to loose weight whilst following natural methods like diet and exercising, but in extreme cases the individual require much more intervention than just diet or exercise. The reason why people opt for gastric sleeve is because its less risky as compared to other surgical procedures.

During the sleeve surgery, a part of your stomach is completely reduced which means your actual stomach size becomes smaller than before. The reason behind reducing the size of your stomach is to ensure you feel less hunger and for that reason you would eat less as well. You will feel fuller even if you eat less and after a while you become used to eating less hence your portion sizes are reduced significantly.

You would feel less hungry as compared to before this is mainly because one of the hunger hormones called Ghrelin is now produced in lesser quantities as compared to before. But, that's not the case with every one because sometimes the hunger hormone is still produced in almost similar quantities.

Another reason people opt for this procedure is because its quicker than other procedures and the recovery period is much less and very effective at the same time. Which means if everything goes well, then you will be discharged the very next day of your surgery. The surgeon has to ensure that the surgery was successful and that you won't be affected by any after effects.

Although you should not expect any immediate weight loss effects but you will ultimately shed pounds in a gradual way which is good because the weight you loose stays down and doesn't come up again provided to remain on healthy eating habits. You would loose most of your weight in the first year of your surgery which is just excellent.

It is regarded as a safe option but you have to keep a few important things under consideration before making any final decision in this regards. Discuss your case thoroughly with your surgeon. In fact, he would let you know if there are any things that you need to worry about and what sort of outcome you should expect at the end of the day.

You would have to take extra safety measures even after the surgery because if you remain unable to change your lifestyle and eating habits then you may end up in the same situation again. Although your stomach size is reduced but it can get enlarged once again if you continue on eating bigger portions and do not control your portion sizes.

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