
Can A Patient Relax During Sedation Dentistry Maui

By Larry King

Just the thought of having their teeth cleaned would make some people tremble with fear. Such people would, no doubt, endure the agony of a severe toothache than walking into a dentist's clinic and obtaining appropriate treatment for it. The phobia of visiting a dentist's office has reached alarming levels in such patients. If you fall into this category, don't worry, you are not alone. Many patients dread the feeling of visiting a dentist's office even for the smallest thing. Sedation dentistry Maui could offer some solace for such kind of patients.

Are You a Good Candidate for this process? While there are different methods of sedation dentistry, IV sedation uses medicine delivered through an intravenous solution to relax the patient completely. These medications are powerful and may react with some prescription medications. They're also not right for everyone.

A regular sedation procedure typically looks like this: your dentist will give you a prescription for a sedative to be taken the night before your treatment. The next day, before the treatment, your dentist will give you whole pills to be taken. He or she will have already measured the safety of these drugs on the therapeutic index. During your dental procedure, you won't feel any discomfort, will be completely relaxed, and probably won't even remember the treatment. Sounds pretty good, right?

By choosing to undergo sedation for your next dental procedure, you will significantly minimize any apprehension you have when it comes to going to the dentist. There is no question that it is the best solution to overcoming your dental-related anxiety. You may also end up feeling as if your procedure has lasted a mere couple of minutes when it has been a couple of hours. That should be enough motivation for anyone!

After you and your dentist agree to IV sedation during your dental procedure, you'll make an appointment to return for the actual procedure. Although it is performed in the dentist's office, it isn't something to be taken lightly. You should have a responsible adult drive you to your appointment and take you home again afterward.

The practice may also be administered orally. If the dentist thinks that minimal process would do in your condition, he or she will give you a Halcion pill which is similar to Valium. The pill should be taken about one hour before the dental procedure. This pill will make you drowsy, but you will be awake during the whole process. The dosage received here will greatly depend on the severity of your dental condition.

The other type is IV moderate sedation. In this method, the dentist will administer the drug through a vein. The amount of the drug would depend on the severity of your condition. This method works faster than swallowing a pill. The other type of relaxation is called deep sedation or general anesthesia. You will be totally unconscious during this procedure. You will not awaken until the effects of anesthesia recede.

Sedation dentistry has allowed many, many patients to overcome their fears and receive the dental care they need and deserve. Because of the relative painlessness and comfort that this practice provides, most patients are less likely to ignore their dental health or allow dental problems to build until a drastic treatment is needed.

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