
With Opiate Addiction Treatment Texas Addicts Can Learn To Live Drug Free

By Carol Anderson

Many people hold the opinion that substance dependency is a clear sign of weakness and an unwillingness to deal with the day to day problems everyone has to deal with. This is not always the case and regardless of the underlying reasons, substance dependency is already a very real and very big problem. The number of people dependent upon pain killers, specifically, has risen alarmingly. Without opiate addiction treatment Texas addicts have little hope of regaining control over their lives.

The ever increasing number of people addicted to prescription pain killers is a real cause for concern. It is very difficult to control the distribution of the pain killers and many addicts can easily obtain them without even getting a prescription. Some doctors simply provide prescriptions when asked. Many addicts convince themselves that they are simply using medication that they need.

The signs indicative of addiction to pain killers are not always as easy to recognize as is the case in many other types of drugs. Some warning signs include a tendency to purchase pain killers from different outlets each time and seeing different doctors regularly. Many addicts will become restless and agitated if they run out of pain killers and they may even feign illness.

As will all types of addiction, rehabilitation for those addicted to pain killers will only be helpful if the patient admits that he has a problem and if he genuinely desires help. Rehabilitation centres will therefore first thoroughly evaluate the patient before admitting him to a program. They consider the treatment of a patient in denial as a waste of valuable resources.

Once placed in a rehabilitation program the first priority is to detoxify the patient. This can be a very difficult process that requires constant observation of the patient. They may become depressed and even suicidal and many experience a wide variety of extremely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Drugs can help ease these symptoms but they are used with circumspect because there is always a danger of a new dependency developing.

Once the patient is deemed to be clean proper rehabilitation can commence. This inevitably requires numerous therapy sessions. Patients need to learn techniques that will help them cope with circumstances and situations that used to prompt them to take pain killers. They are encourage to join support groups. They also need to learn the value of a healthy diet and a strict exercise program.

After completion of a rehabilitation program the patient will be in dire need of constant support. Families should not leave newly recovered addicts alone and they should make it clear that they are there when they are needed. Recovered patients should join support groups and rid themselves of acquaintances and activities that will tempt them back into addiction.

Addiction is a scourge and it is an unfortunate fact that the problem is escalating each year. People need to learn from a young age that problems and disappointments can never be avoided by simply popping a pill. There are also many people that advocate for much stricter control over the distribution of prescription medicines.

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