
Treatment By An Ofallon IL Chiropractor Is Neither Invasive Nor Painful

By Linda Patterson

Living in constant pain has a serious impact on the quality of life of sufferers. Even small tasks become difficult due to the pain. Many patients have seen several doctors and tried many types of medicine, mostly without any permanent relief. The root cause of chronic pain, especially back pain, is notoriously difficult to diagnose and doctors treat the complaint symptomatically. An Ofallon IL chiropractor, however, often achieve almost immediate results.

Back pain seems to be the most common complaint treated by chiropractic practitioners. They are not back specialists, however. They focus almost exclusively on treatment options that will make sure that the spine is correctly aligned. Pain and certain medical conditions, they believe, originate from a spine that is not in alignment. This form of alternative medicine has become very popular.

Treatment for back pain may be the most popular chiropractic complaint, but practitioners routinely treat a host of other complaints. This type of treatment is extremely popular with athletes that sustained muscle or joint injuries. People suffering from pain due to arthritis also benefit greatly. Joint pain, neck pain and even headaches are also common complaints treated by chiropractic practitioners, many of whom are also qualified doctors.

Chiropractic treatment techniques are based upon the theory that a spine that is out of alignment places great pressure on the nerve system. This pressure has a negative influence on the immune system and this then opens the door for many conditions that can cause chronic pain. The solution is therefore to make sure that the spine is aligned properly and this will ultimately allow the immune system to effect a natural cure.

Several techniques and approaches are used to align the spine. In many instances no more than a professional massage is required. In more severe cases it is necessary to physically align the spine. The practitioner will use his hands to apply a sudden but controlled force to a specific joint, often resulting in an audible pop sound. Ice and heat can also be used to ease the process.

Chiropractic treatment methods never involve the use of drugs in any form. Patients are therefore never in danger of experiencing any potentially negative side effects from the treatment program. There is also no danger of any potentially dangerous complications, such as inflammation or, even worse, infection developing. Chiropractic treatment methods have been proven to be safe for the vast majority of people, regardless of age or physical condition. The good news is that most medical insurance companies will pay for chiropractic treatment.

Prevention is high on the list of priorities of most practitioners. They teach their patients how to prevent the spine from becoming misaligned by maintaining the correct posture, by following a regular low impact exercise program and even by making changes to their diets. Disciplines such as yoga help to keep the body flexible and the muscles strong.

Chiropractic treatment has been proven, over and over again, to be highly effective in the majority of cases. The vast majority of patients express complete satisfaction with the results and many will not even see a medical doctor unless referred by their chiropractors. It is no wonder that this form of treatment is becoming increasingly popular.

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