
Parents Learn How A Denver Chiropractic Office Offers Safe Chiropractic Solutions For Children

By Emilia Kibbe

The chiropractor is the healthcare professional who focuses on the spine and nervous system of an individual. If the vertebrae, which are the small bones of the spine, are in alignment, signals are transmitted from the nervous system in the normal way. A misalignment is a condition that interrupts normal function. A Denver Chiropractor is aware of the damaging results this can have on a child.

A baby can lie in an awkward position in the womb that affects development. In a breech or other type of abnormal birthing position, trauma to the baby may occur. The effect on his spine may not be noticed until years later as the child grows up. If a newborn has colic, that may also be traced back to the delivery.

Consider the impact spina bifida can have on an individuals life and the importance of spinal health becomes obvious. Perhaps all babies should have a spinal evaluation at some point in their early years. A pediatric spinal problem will affect all the normal milestones expected in the first year of life.

The way a chiropractor adjusts the spine of a child bears little resemblance to the adjustments administered to an adult. An assessment determines if there is any misalignment of the vertebrae, those small bones that make up the spine. The child's health is discussed along with the problems the parent sees. When, after thoughtful consideration, adjustments are deemed appropriate, they are done with a light fingertip touch. The impact is feathery light, with the chiropractor touching the appropriate spot on the child's back to make an adjustment.

There is no pain connected with these unless the child comes in with an obvious injury. This includes a fall on the playground or a car crash. Many children tell a parent they liked the procedure. Children respond faster than an adult. For that reason, fewer office appointments are required for the adjustments.

Parents should consider spinal dysfunction if their child has symptoms of a seemingly unrelated disorder. Included are ear infections, constipation or bedwetting in the older child. Physical trauma is not the sole reason a child may benefit from chiropractic care.

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