
The Best Sun Tan Lotion For Sensitive Skin

By Haywood Hunter

The appearance of the skin depends on the choice made on tanning product to use. Your expectations and type of skin largely determine the sun tan lotion you use. Manufacturers provide directions on labels with clear instructions on expected results. This is aimed at providing buyers with a reliable guide when making a choice on what to buy.

Differences in skin type explain the existence of unique products for each. The label indicates if a tanner is to be used on normal, sensitive, dry or oily skin. It is important for a consumer to make the right choice in order to avoid allergic reactions and irritation. This damages the skin which is some cases would be irreversible.

Tanners are particular on resulting skin tone. There is indication that it will be medium, very dark or dark upon application. Tanners come in a range such that there is a series to produce different tones on dry skin and another for sensitive skin. Consumers should be keen when buying these products.

Tanners come in varieties of lotions, creams, wipes, towelettes and sprays, among others. Each offers a unique advantage which makes it preferable to users. The choice of a spray may be guided by ease in application while lotions may be preferred because they can deliver precision or are not chilling during application. Each consumer has a unique reason.

Enhancements on lotions allow them to deliver better results. Some of the additions made include sunscreen properties to protect the skin from damage by UV light. The enhancements are desirable since they deliver excellent value for money. Some within the same series are devoid of enhancements to take care of non-interested consumers.

Some tanners are best applied in a salon especially when one considers the area that requires tanning. Self application on the back is tricky and will not deliver the right results. Open areas like thighs, face and arms can be applied without the assistance of a salonist.

Lotions come with options on the areas where they can be applied. Sensitivity of the skin around the face calls for special products. Manufacturers give clear instructions and a user guide to help consumers achieve the best results. The appearance on your face is very sensitive considering that it determines your overall image.

The number of layers required to achieve a particular tan determines preference among consumers. This information comes with the user guide. Instant tanners are preferred because they are easy to use alongside other grooming options, for example, in the morning. Some lotions demand several hours or an overnight stay.

Properties to watch-out for include the smell, water resistance and how long the new tan lasts on the body. Some come with such blends as vanilla, strawberry, mint and citrus, among others. Blending makes them pleasant to smell.

Lotions are available from departmental stores, online and in salons. The prices depend on the type of packaging and the size. The packaging options include bottles, spray cans and tubes. Manufacturers have ensured that you can use up to the last drop. Each package is available at a unique price depending on such properties as size and enhancements.

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