
Comparison Of Natural Sun Tanner And Artificial Products

By Haywood Hunter

The largest and most important organ in the body is the skin. Among other functions, it protects the rest of the internal body organs against mechanical and damage by chemicals. It is also the organ that people judge others by. It symbolizes beauty and therefore people take great care of their skins. Various factors affect the health of the skin and this has led to the debate whether people should use natural sun tanner or use beauty creams to achieve similar effects.

Manufacturers have flooded the market with various brands of products. A sun tanner is able to achieve the same side effects as the natural sun rays would. Manufacturers depend on several factors to market their products. Among these is that the sun has rays that have harmful side effects on the skin. Research has shown that these rays have a direct effect on occurrence of cancer.

In an attempt to alleviate consumer fears and promote their products, sun tanner manufacturers make them sound as natural as possible. They claim their products are based fully on natural products from animals. Others could also be made from plant extracts. Plants such as sunflower and lavender are known to have healthy extracts for the skin.

Though manufacturers may claim that their products are different and healthier than others, they all have the same FDA approved ingredient. It is called DHA and works by causing reactions with the skin amino acids. This causes instantaneous darkening of the skin, which is the main objective of tanning.

The limited knowledge that most consumers have is quite harmful to them since it may cause them to make the wrong decisions. However, the fact is the natural sun could potentially lead to many problems for people who suffer prolonged exposure. Its harmful effects include breaking down the DNA in the skin cells. Since most skin products only contain DHA additives, which have been approved by the FDA, there is not much evidence to support people to be worried about using the creams.

Many factors would lead people to prefer using artificial sun tanner products rather than the natural sunrays. The sun is only around at certain times of the year. An individual would have to wait for these times or travel to areas where the sun is available all year round. The tropics are a preference for many. The products also help to avoid side effects like increased rate of aging.

One is also able to avoid uneven tanning by using the booths. Typically, when tanning in the sun, one has to wear at least a bikini to avoid indecent exposure. Very few beaches around the world allow nudity. When wearing the bikini, it covers some parts of the body preventing even tanning. A booth however allows nude tanning since it is enclosed.

Various products enable people to achieve the objective of tanning their skins. Sun tanner products can be acquired from general stores or from beauty shops. Most manufacturers also distribute their products through websites and various online stores.

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