
Clip In Human Hair Extensions Give Anyone Style Versatility

By Scott Patterson

Changing hairstyles often is not limited to the rich or famous. At least not when it comes to rocking a natural looking mane that flows and can be styled in any manner. More people are finding that they can have the styles or color they desire with little hassle or sitting in a salon all day. With clip in human hair extensions, anyone can change their length, color, or texture in a matter of minutes.

Gone are the days of clips that look obvious or come in only one style. These days, anyone with a healthy scalp can go from straight to curly and go have an intense workout or a swim. Even better, if someone wants to have some of the new trendy colors without the commitment of permanent coloring or dealing with sticky sprays, clip ins are a good solution.

For those with reservations about getting extensions, this is a great way to test the change. Anyone whose has a healthy texture can enjoy many different looks as long as they can keep up with the maintenance. While these are easy to remove, having someone help out can make the job go a lot faster.

Because the application is fairly easy compared to other methods, this style does not cost a lot of money. Many different types of tresses are of the best quality and can withstand most styling products, including volumizing sprays that add volume. Most human hair can last for months, or even a year, with careful maintenance.

Human hair can be cleaned like any other, as most will wash and condition at least once a week. Otherwise, the overall maintenance is not hard. Anyone can wash their hair as normal but remove extensions so that scalp and roots will get cleaned properly. These can be used again once the hair has been conditioned and dried.

Anyone who is dealing with damaged mane should consult a professional before getting any type of application done. However, if the strands are relatively healthy and strong, it can be a nice way to have versatility in styling while the virgin hair is growing underneath. These would need to be removed before having a hot oil treatment or another restorative process.

Wearing extensions or weaves is a good idea for anyone trying to grow their mane but unsure about styling. Unlike wigs, their scalp can breathe and human hair is a much better look than a synthetic wig. It also costs less than most human hair wigs, which may require glue for the application.

Besides affordability, there is less worry with clip in pieces than other methods. Bonding tends to come loose after so many days or adding an oil based product. If a person just wants to add a few pieces for volume, they may be able to do this on their own. Either way, this is one of the most flexible beauty products to come on the market in a while.

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