
Great Value Airbrush Tanning For Weddings

By Haywood Hunter

There are many excellent benefits to getting a sun free tan. Dermatologist all over the country are very happy to see that people are heeding their warnings of avoiding the harmful UV rays and looking for a safer alternative. Everyone wants to look good, especially if they have a big event to attend such as a wedding, graduation or other party. The new fake tan products do an outstanding job and are also very affordable.

In the past few years technology has provided women with alternative ways to get that perfect tan. For many years sun beds were very popular. They could be used at any time of the year and were relatively inexpensive. Yet in the past year or two airbrush tanning has become extremely popular. In fact, it is now the most popular way to get a beautiful tan.

Some of the advantage are the cost. An air brush tan is very reasonably priced and also does not take long to apply. Most women will stop on their way home from work and get a quick tan. It really only takes about fifteen minutes to apply a full body application. Experienced technicians really know what they are doing and are happy to help their clients achieve the very best look.

The solution contains natural enzymes that mix with the outer layer of skin. As they are absorbed the enzymes react with the chemicals in the skin and cause it to darken. Only the outer cells are affected and as they are replaced every seven to ten days the tan only lasts that long. This means that the deeper skin cells are never affected and the entire process is very safe. The solutions are not tested on animals and are even biodegradable.

One of the most important things to do before going for an air brush tan is to take a shower and removal any dead or dry skin. The solution cannot adhere to dry skin cells. Using a loofah or other exfoliating device is essential. This is especially true for the face, knees and any other area of the body with dry skin. No lotions, creams or make up should be applied as these will also affect the quality of the tan.

Typically one application is enough to provide a nice even tan. The client should be aware that it is important not to shower, swim or sweat excessively for at least six hours after the treatment. For most people one application is enough.

Many women report that they get lots of complements on their new tan and they do not have to risk any painful or dangerous burning. The coverage is uniform and there are no darker or lighter spots. Once they are familiar with the process some women even purchase their own air brush kits to use at home.

At home air brush kits are also available. They are very well priced and perfect for someone who tans on a regular basis. Most of the products and solutions are available for purchase on line or at the local salon.

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