
10 Tips for a Mindful Passover

The Passover season is upon us and this eight day Hebrew festival requires a lot of preparation as you cook for the elaborate Seder meal for your family and friends. While most holidays are centered on food, Passover gives a whole new meaning to holiday eating. Though it may seem impossible to make healthy food choices during the holiday week, mindfulness is key to not letting the festivities hinder your weight loss efforts...

What Do Weight Loss and Exercise Have to Do With Each Other?

If you have been reading about weight loss for any length of time, you probably realize that it is a matter of taking calories into your body and burning them. Since 3500 calories equals a pound of body weight, you need to either be at a deficit of that many calories in order to lose a pound or at a surplus of that many calories in order to gain it. Although it may seem like a simple matter of cutting down on the amount of food that you eat, weight...

Your Weight Loss and Physical Fitness Program and the Stock Market

In the last few years, stocks have been on a down swing for awhile. During the turn of the century (late 90's), there was definitely a boom. Then, in the late 2000's, there was definitely a bust. Currently, the Dow Jones index (which is a major indicator on the condition of the stock market because it is composed of a variable mix of private companies) has been going up (after going down). For many years, I have tried to "predict" the market by investing...

Lose Weight After 40 - Who Can Succeed?

Who can succeed to lose weight after 40? Most healthy individuals after 40 have a greater chance of weight loss success than in their younger years. That may seem like a strange statement, because, most people know that your metabolism slows down as you age. Also hormones play a role in weight variances. So why would 40 year old's have a better chance of losing weight than they did 10 years previous? The answer lies with time. Most people in their...

Making Small Changes to Re-Energise Your Life

Staying fit can sometimes be a challenge, but so can getting the motivation to even start a productive fitness regimen. When you get home from a long day at work, the first thing you really want to do is sit down and put your feet up. But sometimes you have to push yourself through the end of day slump and get yourself re-energised, giving yourself the motivation you need to really make a difference...

What Exercise Regime Should You Be Considering?

There is now no serious dispute between medical professionals, as to the relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and an increased risk of cardio-vascular problems arising. In fact, some authorities believe that the lack of exercise in a typical western lifestyle is a far bigger health risk overall than obesity alone....

Top 10 Superfoods Particularly for Weight Loss

Before I detail out - particularly for weight loss - top 10 superfoods (among many others), let me tell you something. I am in the health and fitness industry for more than 25 years now; such vast experience has made me realize the fact that weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance (overall good health) directly depends on the given four factors that are vital and...

The Best Body Building Foods

Keeping up with nutrition is an important part of successful body building and weight loss. Even if you have an excellent exercise regimen in place, you're not going to get the results that you're after unless you also eat the right foods and sports supplements where appropriate. Once you strike the right balance between exercise and diet, you'll begin to see some great results quicker than you would without...

Weight Loss & Sports and Energy Drinks - What Role Do They Have in Weight Loss?

Sports and Energy Drinks - Who Needs Them? Sports drinks have become a staple of American athletics. Every major sports team including the NFL, Major League Baseball, and NASCAR, are sponsored by and use sports drinks. Given the large amount of calories and sugar in the drinks, the issue is who needs them and do they quench thirst and really rehydrate people...

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Fit

1. You don't know how to start. Any person who has never been into a serious workout before would always think that running is the best exercise to start building a better and healthier body. This is somewhat a misconception, I should say. Running can be effective in losing weight or removing excess body fat. It improves your cardiovascular health, stamina and leg strength when done right...

Erect Penis Enemy: Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious condition that causes many problems; it is an enemy to good health in general, as well as to an erect penis in particular. As a matter of fact, studies show that between 35% and 75% of men with diabetes will suffer some form of erectile dysfunction related to their condition. While practicing good penis care can help, it's important that a man takes special pains to prevent or deal with diabetes in order to have a more satisfying...

Does Your Disorganization Make You Feel Like You Have ADHD?

It is not unusual for me to work with a client and have her say, "I must have ADHD!" She sees her inability to stay focused, organized, and in control as symptomatic of the condition known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. For those diagnosed with ADHD, compensating for impaired executive function (the organizing, prioritizing, and focusing part of the brain) is extremely challenging...
