
How To Make Star Wars Birthday Invitations

Star Wars is more than three decades old and its status in literature and cinema is already legendary. No wonder why children and adults always appreciate a Star Wars party. This may seem a science fiction party or avant-garde party of some sort. But actually, you don’t have to spend a lot or be a science geek to make Star Wars birthday invitations. The steps below details an example of an interesting Star Wars-inspired birthday invitations:
  • Prepare the things that you’ll need to make Star Wars birthday invitations. You need card stock, color printer, envelopes, and photo-editing software like Adobe Photoshop, Picasa, and Photomatix.
  • Select the best picture of the birthday celebrator. It is best to use digital images because there’s a resolution loss if you’ll scan printed pictures. Decide if you want to use the current or old photo of the celebrator. It’s best to let the birthday boy to choose the picture.
  • Select the preferred Star Wars character. Again, let the celebrator choose based on his preference. There are many characters to choose from. Celebrators usually choose their most favorite character.
  • Combine the celebrator’s photograph and an image of the Star Wars character. It’s easier to put the images side by side. But merging the pictures will create more interesting image. For example, erase Luke Skywalker’s face and replace it with the celebrator’s face. Save the edited image.
  • Add a caption or a quote on the birthday invitation. Use Star Wars-inspired quotes like the famous, “May the force be with you.” Find quotes from the films online or make your own. However, if you’ll use your own words ensure that your quote will resemble the film’s storyline. For example, use “May the life be with you in 60 more years” instead of the “May the force be with you.” Edit the quote and save as an image.
  • Open MS Publisher or any layout publication of your choice. Use templates or wizards when making cards. Start designing the birthday invitation. Arrange the edited pictures and texts. Add images of balloons, cakes, and ribbons. Do not overdo decorating or you’ll end up making a messy card.
  • Add the essential information about the party. Details like the date, time, party location, preferred clothing, and contact number should be added. Check the data after adding them on the card. Make sure that these are correct.
  • Print-out the Star Wars birthday invitation. Use specialty paper and print the invitation in high quality ink and printer. Print as many copies of the invitation as you want.

Some people are not so skilled in image manipulation and using computers. If you’re like that, then just paste your preferred Star Wars character and use a Star Wars font for typing the birthday party details. Another alternative is to ask someone or hire a professional to make the invitation for you.

Making the Star Wars-inspired birthday invitations is only one of the many things that you need to do. You still need to plan for the theme like giving the party location an outer space or science fiction feel. A Star Wars birthday costume party is a great idea also. At least now, you know how to make the invitations. It’s time to give more focus on other party details.

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  • How To Make Star Wars Birthday Invitations Star Wars is more than three decades old and its status in literature and cinema is already legendary. No wonder why children and adults always appreciate a Star Wars party. This may seem a science fiction party or av… Read More
