
How Much Weight Have You Lost In The Past 6 Weeks?



I don’t know how old you are. I don’t know how much weight you need to lose. Yet I know one thing for sure...
Unless you have experienced weight loss that you are happy with in the past 6 weeks... Then the next 6 weeks are not going to be any better for you unless you act now.
Achieving your ideal body starts with a simple decision to take action. And unless you do that today, you will have the same body staring at you in the mirror six weeks from now as you do right this minute.

I’ve been there too. I have delayed taking action on a goal only to look back with regret at all the time I wasted. And I don’t want that for you.
So I want to make sure you understand...
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You can keep doing what you’re doing right now. However, if you’re not excited about how you look today... then you’re not going to be any happier next week, a month from now, or next year...
You will have the same flabby body staring back at you in the bathroom mirror. The scale will continue creeping up every month. Your clothes will get tighter. Your energy lower. And you will wonder why the heck you wasted another precious year.

And that’s if you are lucky... If you don’t act now there’s also the risk of future health nightmares that almost always follow yo-yo nutrition and weight gain.

I know all that may sound harsh. But I believe in YOU and I know that’s not what you want for yourself. So it’s time to make the only smart decision you can today, and get started on a lifelong flat belly path that keeps you healthy and satisfied while eating all your favorite foods and enjoying yummy carbs every night.

  • The fastest way to lose all the weight you desire is to trick your body into thinking it’s on a low carb diet when it is not.
  • The mistake you must avoid is limiting your carbs and calories at night. Nighttime dieting causes cravings, binges and even decreased metabolism.
  • The solution is a “half day” style of dieting that matches how our ancestors naturally evolved to eat and that your body still needs.
  • The results have been proven in my coaching practice over the past 15 years... and now YOU can have the “Handbook” version of the exact system I had the good fortune to stumble upon
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